
Greenwich, Connecticut High School: A Short Story

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This chilling day began as all days did… with nothing out of the ordinary, until the incident. All school days at Greenwich, Connecticut High School, had started with me not being able to get out of bed, but finding a way to pull myself together to look presentable, but something was different today than how it was normally. The wind that blew the colorful leaves and scattered naked branches, blew peculiar. The ground felt harder and raw as I walked to school unsure of what had changed from the time I had set foot outside the night before. As I gave up and believed it was most likely nothing, I decided to continue on with my walk, for I had better issues to worry about. My classes gradually went by, as I completely forgot about the oddness that I had felt today, which was a mistake. The clocked ticked by while I patiently waited for the bell to ring so that I could relieve my backpack from the burdensome binders that encompassed it. …show more content…

I for one had to travel a far distance to my locker and I knew I would not ever make it to my classroom in time as the school is a maze that I can never figure out. I strolled through the hallways greeting various people and yelling to friends. The crowded hallways subsided until no one was left only for few kids struggling to run to their classes. As I approached my locker, I imagined my combination as I turned the dial. As I opened the locker, a severed head was looking at me placed in my locker. The skin peeling off of the neck, while the blood oozed out from the bottom onto my papers beneath. I stepped back in disbelief as my heart raced, as I read the note on the head that wrote, You’re next! My body trembled, as my hands covered my face, hoping that they could protect me from this

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