
Essay about Grolsch Global Strategy

Decent Essays

Executive Summary Grolsch, a company with a strong history and a highly rated product, has just been purchased by SABMiller. The company is evaluating its global strategy in light of the acquisition and determining how to position and sell its beer going forward. Grolsch has positioned itself well to compete internationally and has leveraged several tools (e.g. the MABA framework, strategic analysis) to effectively expand abroad. However, they must assess whether or not the MABA framework is still useful, what type of international strategy they should pursue (i.e. developed vs. developing markets), and if their adaptation strategies will continue to be an asset in their business development. The initial conclusion, detailed below, …show more content…

Meanwhile, since Grolsch used other brewers for distribution while importing beer into foreign countries, the ongoing industry consolidation often led to a need for changing distributors. In several of their markets Grolsch was already on its third or fourth distributor in the span of 15 years. Besides the political, economic, and logistical issues Grolsch had to adapt to, they also were adapting to cultural differences. Their marketing campaigns would vary significantly from market-to-market. While their ability to be nimble, change strategies, and adapt where necessary has been a benefit, it has also been limiting in that Grolsch has struggled to build a consistent brand image and market position in several of its key markets. For example, even though the UK accounted for 25% of Grolsch’s volume, they still only held 1.5% of the UK market. Further, operations have been impacted by the consistent turnover of distributors in several important markets. Grolsch’s adaptation strategy has kept them nimble but has prevented any large scale and stability in certain countries outside the Netherlands.
The right international strategy for Grolsch going forward is a transnational strategy, though there are strong elements pushing this toward a global strategy. In reviewing strategy within the beer industry, either generally or through frameworks (see exhibits), it appears the optimal path currently involves both multi-domestic elements and global

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