
Group Reflection

Decent Essays

What I have Learned and Applied to Groups

This class has taught me a lot about running groups successfully. While I had the chance to run one major group and one minor group, I had certain skills that I was better at in one group than the other. While in my minor group which lasted about two minutes I did a good job when it came to scanning and facilitating while in the forty-five-minute group I continued my scanning skills while my facilitating skills could use more work. In my first reflection paper, I talked about listening without giving advice, I definitely followed this well because I was able to listen to each group member without giving them my opinion with what was said. Feeding off of that, I realized I am a good reflector. …show more content…

As well as when I had my group members do a comment round I had one group member who had said something I wanted to go back to, but other group members still had to say their comment. I made sure to point out I liked what my group member had said, and made sure to let her know I would be coming back to what she had said.
In Chapter four Jacobs et al., (2009) talks about all the steps of planning, going from how many sessions will the group meet, how many people will be in the group, and who should be in the group. (Jacobs et al., p. 64). While I was lucky to have half of those figured out already, I still had to plan how the group would run as well as what the purpose would be and what I would do to keep the group busy for forty-five minutes. I was in over my head with this because when I first began my group I was trying to follow the plan in my lap step by step. This only hindered me because it made me anxious to make sure everything got completed. Kurland, 1978) states “Workers who spend time planning their groups feel better prepared than those who do not. Ironically, the more planning the worked does for his or her group, the more he or she may be free to let go of those plans and act spontaneity when that is called for (Kurland, 1978). While I spent plenty of time with my group plan, I did have to scrap a few things from my plans, and then add

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