
Group Work In The Classroom

Decent Essays

Working as a personal para at Cuivre Park Elementary has helped me establish a personal teaching philosophy that will be implemented into my future classrooms. I want to teach students at various levels and watch them develop together for the edification of each individual. Group work is vital to having a successful class and is something I advocate. The impact group work is astonishing to me. When students help fellow students, it changes each child and transforms the atmosphere of the class as a whole. Albert Bandura's social learning theory stressed the importance of observational learning, imitation, and modeling. "Learning would be exceedingly laborious, not to mention hazardous, if people had to rely solely on the effects of their …show more content…

Jean Piaget's theory of constructivism disputes that people produce knowledge and form meaning, based upon their experiences. Two of the major components which establishes the construction of an individual's new knowledge are accommodation and assimilation. According to the website, “Cognitivist teaching methods aim to assist students in assimilating new information to existing knowledge, and enabling them to make the appropriate modifications to their existing intellectual framework to accommodate that information. Thus, while cognitivists allow for the use of “skill and drill” exercises in the memorization of facts, formulae, and lists, they place greater importance on strategies that help students to actively assimilate and accommodate new material.” For instance, asking students to explain new material in their own words can help them in assimilating it by forcing them to re-state the new ideas in their existing vocabulary. Even, providing students sets of questions to structure their reading makes it easier for them to relate it to previous material by highlighting certain parts and to accommodate the new material by providing a clear organizational …show more content…

Teachers following Piaget's theory of constructivism must challenge the student by making them effective critical thinkers and not being merely a "teacher" but also a mentor, a consultant, and a coach. Some strategies for teacher include having students working together and aiding to answer one another's questions. Another strategy includes designating one student as the "expert" on a subject and having them teach the class. Finally, allowing students to work in groups or pairs and research controversial topics which they must then present to the

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