
When Fewer is More, the Use of Small Group Instruction in the Classroom

Good Essays

Wasik (2008) addresses the issues of small groups in early childhood education classrooms. Small group instruction seems to be the most underused method of teaching in the early childhood education classroom. There are some interesting facts about this method of teaching the young child. Wasik (2008) says that there are seven different issues on small groups. Small groups received much more individualized attention from the teacher. The chance of the teacher being able to evaluate and involved all the children in discussion is much more intense and positive when you have a group of five instead of twenty. Teachers are able to interact and observe the students in the small groups and be able to evaluate and act on any issues that the …show more content…

An intentional group takes more planning on the teacher, but the final result is more positive. The intentional group will have a teacher goal that will be arrived at and resolved. A social group is also used as an intentional grouping to allow for the shy student to be paired with the more outgoing student and they are given learning activities to increase the social interactions. This also allows for a model student to be placed with an underachiever and they, in turn can teach them to accept their learning situation. A number of small groups could address one topic, just four different subcategories, and pull back together to finalize their conclusions. Teachers are given a chance to utilize the personalities and skills levels to advance the group learning experience. Small groups require active teaching with much teacher guidance or involvement. Small groups can teach the context better than a larger group, allowing for no child to be struggling and left behind. Reading, math and science can benefit from small group interaction. Each student has a chance to be heard, voice his opinion or conclusion, get a response from the teacher and the other group participants, and close the gap for error. The key for successful learning is when the teacher involves himself and gets excited about what the children are to be taught. This is also true in group study as

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