
Growing Artist Research Paper

Decent Essays

The Growing Artist From as young as I can remember I have always been fascinated with bright colors and creating sculptural objects. I lived in a townhouse in North Little Rock with my parents up until second grade. My mother was a nurse and my father worked in a target warehouse. We had a decent amount of money but lived paycheck to paycheck at times. When my parents got a divorce I turned towards art to cope with my emotions but to feel free. I was very young when I started practicing art but could never put into words what it did for me until now.

When I think back, I can remember sitting in the living room downstairs helping my mother with all kinds of crafts. She had huge tubs of crafty materials in the closet under the stairs; which we still have till this day. I suppose my obsession with art started when I was about five. Having a mother around who loved to help with my projects and do projects of our own is what kick started getting in tune with my right brain. I learned about the abilities that each side of my brain used from a young age. The left brain tends to be more intellectual and driven to communicate while the right is creative and nonverbal. That information has alway stuck with me from the moment I acknowledged my love for art. …show more content…

I got to do my art projects in my free time outside of school. I dropped off from doing loads of art due to being an active kid. Then, fifth grade rolled around and I got back into my right brain, working on all types of art. I would paint with my hands, brushes, and even my barbies hair. I finally got to be in an actual art class when I entered seventh grade. I absolutely loved having time during school to express myself. One thing I didn’t agree with was having all of our pictures or paintings the same subject. I would add a little splash of my own unique ideas to it. I always felt the need to express myself in my own ways through

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