
Gucci Lawsuit Against Gucci

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Gucci America makes high end luxury footwear, handbags, sunglasses, wallets, and belts. This apparel company hires a private investigator to purchase from Wang’s website that sell counterfeit Gucci goods. After the product is delivered and is confirmed counterfeit, Gucci America filed a suit against Huoqing in a federal district court. Thesis: A U.S company can take action legally towards an individual from another country whose only contact to the United States is by a website.
Why Gucci Filed a Lawsuit against Wang Gucci has trademarked more than 21 registered trademark which consist of the word “Gucci” and other symbols. Defendant Wang Huoqing who resides in China has register, establish, and at that time maintain more than 24 counterfeit goods website such as,,,,, and This websites offer counterfeit goods with Gucci marks and name on a significantly lower quality compared to the genuine counterparts.
Gucci as plaintiff accuse that Wang’s website sells goods with the knowledge that his product will be mistaken as a genuine goods designed, made, and approved by plaintiff. Also, this may bring confusion and deception among general public. There are some reason why Gucci is able to file a lawsuit towards Wang in the U.S Federal Court. First, Wang’s website is an interactive website with an intention and mission to sell counterfeit products. The second reason was that website sells and ships their product to the United

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