
Guided Reading : Irene Fountas And Gay Su Pinnell

Decent Essays

Guided reading was a change in how students learned to read before the mid 20th century. Marie Clay was the founder of guided reading in New Zealand in 1967. However, other authors have researched the guided reading program and how to incorporate it into schools. Two familiar authors, Irene Fountas and Gay Su Pinnell, first published their guided reading literature in 1996. The ideas of Clay, Fountas and Pinnell have been used to encourage reading growth for guided reading.

Marie Clay was a psychologist in New Zealand in 1948. She began her dynamic introduction into the reading world with her idea of Reading Recovery. Reading Recovery began as an idea of how to help students who were behind in reading, in the first grade. Clay researched …show more content…

Teachers should use leveled readers and different kinds of texts with students. The teachers should make sure to give background information about the books the students will read. This will help students to understand what they read. In groups, teachers should listen to the students and write down observations about what the students do as they read. There are eight points to the Fountas and Pinnell guided reading program. The first point is for teachers to use high, quality text for reading comprehension. Teachers need to use quality texts that are able to spiral in understanding for students. Teachers should model and give explicit teaching when doing guided reading groups. Teachers can help teach vocabulary through guided reading, which extends to other parts of the academic curriculum. Guided reading should include phonics instruction, concepts of print, and fluency guidance. This program should also include writing and helping students’ development proper writing habits. The lessons should be engaging to students and encourage good reading habits. Guided reading is a program that allows teachers to work one-on-one with students while in a small group. Teachers are able to help students with what they need in order to understand

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