
Guilt Driven Brothers Summary

Decent Essays

Guilt driven brothers enact their own form of justice to avenge a cold-blooded killer.


ROSA (17) and her brothers, NACHO (13) and CHICO (9), are held captive by BOLO (34). He wants revenge for what their father did to him. Rosa pleads for her brothers’ lives. Bolo agrees to let them go, but keeps Rosa. The boys run, leaving her behind. They later hear a gunshot.

Ten years later, Nacho and Chico struggle to survive. They sell tamales. Nacho is an intellect. He reads a lot of books. They both feel guilty about leaving Rosa. They have dreams and memories of her.

When they witness killer, TED CHASE, terrorize an elderly woman and kill her grandson JOSE, they knock Ted out and hold him captive.

Nacho tells Ted he’ll give

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