The war on drugs has been going on for a while between Mexico and the US; George W. Bush had signed the Merida Initiative with the then, President Felipe Calderon. Shortly after the Merida Initiative was signed, in April of 2006, Project Gunrunner launched. Developed by the Ammunitions, Tobacco and Firearms (ATF) agency who planned “to stem the flow of firearms into Mexico and thereby deprive the narcotics cartels of weapons” (Embassy of the United States Mexico, n.d.). Fast forward 3 years, and Attorney General Eric Holder took office, in order to continue support to the southwest border. In a speech given speech in Cuernavaca, Mexico, Holder stated “the Justice Department was committed to adding “100 new ATF [Bureau of Alcohol, Tobacco, Firearms, …show more content…
Assisting in the operation over the span of 16 months were: such as staff from the Ammunitions, Tobacco and Firearms Explosives (ATF) force; Homeland Security Investigations (HSI); Drug Enforcement Administration (DEA); Internal Revenue Service (IRS); and state and local law enforcement agencies. When the ATF originally investigated the illegal smuggling of guns into Mexico, the idea of arresting individuals who were identified as straw purchasers was less important than finding the cartel members identified as decision makers and those financing them. The HSI agent who was assigned to the task, was not aware of the operation until December of 2009, two months after the Operation Fast and Furious was created. The agent learned the ATF was “investigating a suspected international weapons smuggling ring”. In a report by the Inspector General, personnel from HSI Arizona personnel “did not inform ICE headquarters about the ATF investigative methodology while the operation was underway” (U.S. House 2012, 20). The reasons for this was more than likely the techniques used were against ICE
The Mexican gun smuggling cartel business started around the year of 2003 (Grillo, par. 2). The Bureau of Alcohol, Tobacco, and Firearms (ATF) began to research and investigate the Mexican drug cartels (Detty, pg.3). The ATF started to use a tactic called “gunwalking”. This tactic ran a series of sting operations in order to arrest Mexican drug cartel leaders (Detty, pg.4). The citizens of Mexico were given the
The United States have declared that it is doing its best to combat the war on drugs. The drug problem has not stopped and the people continue to buy drugs no matter what circumstances they are obtained. With drugs prices rising, people are willing do anything to get drugs even if it leads them to become involved in criminal activities such as robbery. The money and military activity have not been enough, and the “urban problem,” has not been resolved. The United States has the largest demand of drugs in the world. While other countries also face the drug problem, the United States has spent the most money and law enforcement; however, its effectiveness is questionable. Consequently, now there is a great amount of drugs coming from Mexico’s borderline into the United States. The drug cartels have become more violent, killing Mexican officers and innocent people in order to smuggle their drugs. The United States needs more security control and better coordination between agencies to fight the violent Mexican drug war spilling across the southern border. There is not enough organization between the D.E.A and other groups such as the Department of Homeland Security. The United States has little hope of winning the war unless enough protection on the border and Border States are developed. The agencies need better coordination between the federal, state and locals agencies in order to prevent more drugs to cross
In November 2009, the ATF’s Phoenix field office launched an operation in which guns bought by drug-cartel straw purchasers in the U.S. were allowed to “walk” across the border into Mexico. ATF agents would then track the guns as they made their way through the ranks of the cartel. At least, that was the theory. In reality, once the guns walked across the border, they were gone. Whistleblowers reported, and investigators later confirmed, that the ATF made no effort to trace the guns. In March 2010, a few ATF agents voiced an obvious concern: Couldn’t the guns end up being used in crimes? Seven months later, that’s exactly what happened. The brother of the former attorney general of the state of Chihuahua (in Mexico) was murdered, and Fast and Furious weapons were found at the
The Spanish firearm control legislation shows that Spain takes gun control very seriously. By allowing only single fire weapons for civilians and maintaining tight control over the guns in circulation, the Spanish greatly reduce their homicide rate. The law mandates that a prospective buyer be licensed. To receive this license, the owner must present verifiable reason for needing a weapon and undergo a strict vetting process. Requesting a weapon for self defense requires proof of an immediate threat. Eighteen is the minimum age, but exceptions for hunting can be made.
The United States has 88.8 guns per 100 people. As a country the United States has approximately 270,000,000 guns. Both categories top the world. 22% of gun owners own two or more firearms. This gun wave had very humble beginnings from westward expansion to the revolutionary war and to the Second Amendment. This controversial amendment states: "A well-regulated militia, being necessary to the security of a free State, the right of the people to keep and bear Arms, shall not be infringed."
Every day the U.S. border patrol has to constantly keep an eye out for the smuggling of drugs by Mexican Cartels. There has been much violence due to this drug problem that has left many people near the border killed and is allowing more criminals to obtain these weapons. A lot of this attention goes to the U.S. because many of the weapons utilized in the “drug war” are U.S. made and is interfering with trading relations amongst both the U.S. and Mexico. With this current violent situation in Mexico this has transformed the flow of weapons to an even larger scale.
Calderon stressed the need for additional money to combat his war on drugs. In 2008 the United State released more than $400 million to aid the Mexican government. (Wilkinson 2008) In 2009, the United States government released another $400 million to Mexico as part of the Merida Initiative to continue training and suppression of the drug cartels. (Dresser 2009) In 2007, statistics for the actual monetary expenditure of the United States were $16.5 Billion dollars for drug enforcement and eradication in the U.S. (Miron 2010) Money given, in total, to fight drugs and drug trafficking around the world was $6.5 Billion in 2005. (Office 2005)
“Mexico has some of the strictest gun control laws in the world and yet, in 2012, Mexico had 11,309 gun murders compared to the United States that had 9,146 gun homicides” (Gun Control - Today, many people are trying to get the United States to enforce stricter laws for gun control, just like Mexico. The government shouldn’t enact more gun control laws because of the second amendment, the need for self protection, and the proven fact that stricter gun control laws will not hinder criminals from using guns in illegal ways.
Gun Control in the United States has gone out of control. The United States should enforce laws to not allow any guns in a house hold in order to reduce violence and crime in the country. Reducing the rate of crime in the United States, controlling big weapons, taxing ammunition, and gun collection can help make this happen. Gun Control can make this country a safer environment to live in.
According to a World Health Organization study done in 2010, the Unites States of America has the fourth highest firearm homicide rate in the world after Afghanistan, Iraq and the Congo. More recently, a study done in 2013 by the Center for Disease Control found out that there were a total of 33,169 deaths with the use of firearms and more than half were a result of suicide. These statistics have sparked an extensive amount of modern debates on whether we as an American democracy need to amend the second amendment and regulate the purchase of as well as the right to individually bear arms. Two people who analyze this debate very differently but effectively are Zack Beauchamp who wrote “Rethinking the Right to Bear Arm”, and Nelson Lund who
Drug trafficking has become an increasingly growing problem in the world today. Illegal drug trade is a worldwide black market consisting of production, distribution, packaging, and sale of illegal substances. Although today’s "War on Drugs" is a modern phenomenon, drug problems have been a common problem throughout history. The market for illegal drugs is massive, when we consider the estimated global drug trade value is worth $321 billion (Vulliamy). The most drug trafficking happens on the border between Mexico and the United States. Former Mexican President Felipe Calderon said, “Our neighbor is the largest consumer of drugs in the world. And everybody wants to sell him drugs through our door and our window”
The problem of drugs coming over into the United States from Mexico is not new, but it is serious and in spite of many efforts by American law enforcement and border authorities, it continues day after day. This paper reviews the problem from several perspectives and brings to light attempts the U.S. has made to stop drug trafficking on our border with Mexico. The biggest issue regarding border security is the power of the drug cartels, and the majority of emphasis in this paper is directed towards the cartels.
In February 2011 the United States began sending unarmed drones to collect information on drug traffickers. Later in August, the United States started in cross border raids, sending CIA operatives and older military personnel to aid the Mexican military. In addition to assisting Mexico, the United States increased security on our side and spends approximately $3 billion on securing the border. Decriminalization is a highly disputed policy option, in November of 2012 two states in the United States passed laws for the legalization of recreational use of marijuana. However, it is still a United States federal law that marijuana is illegal. Although decriminalization would lead to less incarcerations, it would put more drugs in the hands of users and increase drug exporting from Mexico. A prime strategy that both the United States and Mexico have been using is to take out the “high value” individuals or “foot soldiers”. This takes out the mass exporters but still leaves the middle and lower class drug traffickers. Which then the middle class moves up and takes over for whatever “high value” cartel that was just taken out. Almost immediately after, Mexico’s new president, Enrique Peña Nieto took office in December of 2012. Of those who reported missing or those who just “disappeared” the Peña Nieto government claims they will seek to verify all the missing ones. After coming into office, the administration of Peña Nieto changes the security policies. In
The citizens of the United States have enough pride to say that they have the right to carry their rifles and hand guns for self-defense. However, the Second Amendment is not unlimited to the use of all guns. Criminals and people who are mentally ill have found their ways of receiving a gun because of how flawed gun restrictions are in the United States. Because of the loose ends of gun restrictions, public shootings will continue to occur despite the alternative preventions available. The purpose of gun control is to manage the distribution of licensed weapons to people who qualify and have the right to carry a weapon with them for self-defense or sport.
The legality of having guns and possessing firearms in the United States of America is well engraved within the Second Amendment of the nation’s constitution. However, the issue of gun regulation has remained a central topic in America’s public. Some people advocate for a total ban on gun possession, while others are totally against this idea. The shooting incident in Las Vegas weeks ago has raised controversial debates in the United States of America. In fact, the White House is concerned on the stand that President Trump will take on the issue of stricter gun laws. One of the cities that has gained the attention of both the legislators on this topic is Chicago. For its reputation for its low rate of gang arrests, lax punishments for gun law violations, and comparatively weak laws in accordance with surrounding states, it is justifiable to say that Chicago’s daily shootings are a clear indicator that strict state gun laws don’t work.