
Gun Control Restrictions

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The United States has 88.8 guns per 100 people, which is the highest total in the world. The guns was first intended for hunting and self-protection. Later on, it was brought into the military for use. For that reason, people believe that guns can only be used in the military. Others say that the Second Amendment gives them the right to have guns and use it for protection. This was for if any person tried to attack them, they would have protection with them at all times. Later on, guns got used for the wrongs reasons. More crimes were being develop, like the assassination of President John F. Kennedy. Now, people want more restrictions on gun ownership and how it should be used. If some restrictions were to be made, some say it will not make much of a difference. Guns use had lead to violence in the past, but also it coud be a good protection for humans against attackers. The argument that may still be going on today is if the United States should put more restrictions on gun ownership and use. The reasons why people are still asking for more restrictions is because more crimes and shooting as been happening lately. There were about 126 mass shootings around 2001 to 2014. The opponents of this issue think that if more restrictions were made, that would not change the fact that there would be as much shootings as there was. Reasons to believe this was that even with more restrictions, shootings would still go on. Nothing would stop the criminals from killing others. Now,

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