In America, mass shootings are increasing every year. “According to the Brady Campaign, 31 Americans are murdered with guns every day on average.” (Kelly) “On average, every day, 55 people kill themselves using a firearm and 46 people are shot, or killed, with a gun by accident.” (Kelly) “Nine out of ten Americans agree that we should have background checks nationwide.” (Kelly) “Right now, our current background check system only applies to about 60% of gun sales which mean 40% don’t do background checks.” (Kelly) “About 270 million firearms are owned by Americans, which would be about 90 guns for every 100 people (Smart Gun Laws).” Guns are getting in the hands of mentally ill people and children which just isn’t very safe.
“85-90% of Americans
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A few days before the incident, the Father had showed the 6-year-old boy where the gun was being held, but that only adults could use it. After the boy shot his brother, he ran upstairs to tell his grandfather that his brother had been shot in the head. The Father, Santiago, had recently testified against a gang member and bought the gun illegally for “protection.” Santiago is now being charged with felony child endangerment. Lawyers are curious as to why the Father felt the need to tell his son where he kept the gun. …show more content…
Oregon is one of the states that allows carrying concealed weapons on campus. John Parker, a UCC official, said “he doesn’t care what the policy is at UCC, he knows what the law is. He has the right to carry a firearm wherever he goes because of his 2nd amendment right (Brunker).” Parker has a permit to carry his weapon and he said that “he has no doubt that he had the right to carry weapon onto the UCC campus and he was sorry he wasn’t able to use it (Brunker).” Penny Okamoto is the executive director of Ceasefire Oregon and she had something to say about the debate on guns. She believes that the debate on what concealed weapons in missing the bigger picture: “that putting more guns on campus is not an effective way to prevent or limit violence (Brunker).” She said, “we can argue that until we are blue in the face. It’s an intellectual argument, a way for the gun lobby to feel good about themselves. But they are in no way deterring these shootings. It’s a way to obfuscate what we really need to talk about, which is how guns are completely out of control
“The United States of America has one of the most highest homicide rates than just about any other developed country around the world, and it also has much more civilian ownership.” (Verbruggen). This is a good thing that we have freedom to have our firearms and protect ourselves from danger, however this can also be bad because letting citizens have so much freedom to buy firearms can lead to shootings in which they have. Say a person who has not committed any crimes yet, goes into an ammunition and firearms store, and purchases an automatic assault rifle with a high capacity magazine. If that person happens to have some dark thoughts, people can end up losing their life because we have too much freedom involving the purchasing of these rifles and other premium guns. However, it is important to look into why these mass shootings do occur. “Not only is there no correlation between gun ownership and overall homicide within a state, but there is a strong correlation between gun homicide and non-gun homicide suggesting that they spring from similar causes, and that some states are simply more violent than others.” (Verbruggen) This shows that with some of the cases we have involving deaths, not all of them come with being mass shootings. It is not hard for a person to grab a regular pistol and go out shooting innocent civilians, however, it is less likely that they will kill as many people as they can with an automatic assault rifle. As an overlooker of gun
Guns and weaponry have always been a major part of the cultures of the world since the beginning of time. For the United States of America, gun use can be traced back to the colonial days, our revolutionary roots. They have helped the United States turn the table specifically in times of dire need such as the Revolutionary War. Not only have advances in weaponry influenced the U.S., they have also helped to shape events across the globe. In 1791, this was understood by the Founding Fathers while writing the Constitution, which can be seen in the Second Amendment: “A well regulated militia, being necessary to the security of a free State, the right of the people to keep and bear Arms, shall not be infringed”[1]. With the advancement of guns specifically, there has been a rise in mass shootings, casualties, crime and controversy that has begun to split the United States. All a person has to do is turn on the television to a news channel, and at any given time, heartache, most often linked to guns, can be found. Some cry for a need for better gun regulation or sometimes complete abolishment for recreational use, while others cling to their weapons with claim of self-defense and economic profit. Violent crimes have been on the rise years; there has been an estimated 1.2 billion crimes of violence that occurred in the United States alone [2]. One thing is certain: gun trade and regulation boosts the economy. Last year, 301,
Earlier this month a mother was shot in the back by her four year old son.
In America, guns have done great harm to society. Guns have been culprits to many different types of shootings such as Charleston, which was a shooting in a church, Sandy Hook, which was responsible for the deaths of twenty young children and six adult staff members, and the shooting in Aurora, Colorado during a midnight premiere of The Dark Knight Rises which resulted in the deaths of twelve innocent people. These are just three we listed here. How many times have there been news of another shooting? It’s like, everytime we turn on the news, we see another shooting that occurred. It doesn’t take a lot for one to notice that the current gun laws haven’t been working. The evidence which we all see daily in the news
The United States is one of the few countries were the right to bear arms is protected by the constitution. Unfortunately, it is also one of the most violent with incidents involving guns this year reaching an estimated 36,212 and an approximate 9,050 deaths (“Gun Violence Archive”). There are an estimated 310 million firearms in households across American, these are only estimates because current gun laws do not require them to be registered or tracked. A more staggering estimate is that most of the guns owned by private citizens are semi-automatic guns, the same type of gun used in almost all mass shootings. While these privately owned guns are legally purchased, many times, they land in the hands of criminals, and owners never report them stolen. Mass shootings and gun crimes are not the only issues with gun violence the one never talked about is suicide, more guns available equals more suicides. The United States is one of the easiest countries to own a gun legally or illegally, stricter gun control laws are necessary.
In the United States, there is a mass shooting that kills four or more people every twenty-three hours. Gun violence has risen to epidemic proportions. The United States has allowed guns to become so easily accessible that in four out of five states anyone, even someone without a gun license, can buy an unregistered firearm from a private vendor. It has also become incredibly easy to be approved for a gun in most states. Currently it is more difficult to get a driver's license, even with extensive testing, than it is to own a firearm. We, as a nation, cannot expect to progress far if we don't even moderately control the flow of firearms that is flooding into the streets. We have the capacity to fix this and create a safer country for everyone.
Since August 2016, there has been 2,818 shootings of victims, according to CNN. Look at that number. It is over 2,000 deaths because of guns. Adults carrying guns are perilous, there are loopholes in the gun selling system which allow people to buy guns without a background check. People who have mental illnesses who buy guns through loopholes are threatening to the surrounding citizens. The laws for gun control need to become stronger and have more penalties. Adults walking around with concealed weapons are a plethora of danger to residents. Adults can own a gun but should not walk around freely with one, as well as background checks and loopholes laws should be more strict.
Gun violence has risen in America tremendously. According to the White, Over the past decade in America, more than 100,000 people have been killed because of gun violence and millions more have been the victim of assaults, robberies, and other crimes involving a gun. (Office of the Press Secretary). The most recent case where a gun was used to carry out an act of violence was the Las Vegas shooting that took place on October 1st,2017. During a concert, perpetrator Stephen Paddock opened fire on to the crowd: 58 fatalities, leaving 546 injured, and then turning the gun on himself. This is only one of the many mass shootings that has risen the call for gun control. On The other hand, Citizens continue to fight for their right to
The United States of America is facing a very important problem with guns. This problem has been brought to light recently by mass killings. Weak gun laws allow criminals to get their hands on deadly weapons capable of ending many innocent lives. There are many automatic weapons being sold in the U.S. that don't belong in civilian hands. While the U.S. government is pouring money into military spending, innocent lives are being lost due to mass killings across the U.S. In just 2015 alone, 22 mass shootings where more than four people were killed have taken place. Most of the shooters were either mentally unstable, connected with militant organizations, or had extremist views on race, religion, or nationality. There were also hundreds of smaller
Access to guns in the United States (US) is too easy and the laws governing access should be strengthened. Current US gun laws are very permissive, which has led to excessive gun-related violence and deaths. Guns are one of the leading causes of violence in the US at the moment, and access to guns (legally and illegally) is very easy. Currently, there are ~211 million firearms in circulation and 70 million are handguns. (1) Today, there is at least one gun in fifty-percent of households in the United States. In 24 states, any person who is 18 years of age or older can go into a gun store, fill out a form, wait a couple of weeks and then go home with a gun. In 33 states, gun owners are not restricted from selling guns to anyone at gun
Our opponents believe that gun control should be enforced tighter by the government. They are influenced by many different depictions of guns whether it be the media after a shooting or in music that glorifies gun violence. What our opponents cease to acknowledge however, is that gun control laws do not do much to cause these occurrences to cease. While the laws can make it harder to acquire, transport, and use guns, the laws will always fail to stop the true reason for their existence; to stop crimes committed with guns. Unfortunately for America and gun control supporters, gun crime is very common in the United States and is actually gaining popularity.
If guns are regulated, citizens will be left to the hands of the criminal who will acquire and use them contrary to the laws. Crimes are believed to be prevented given possibility of the victim gun possession; statistically violent crimes have gone down with an increase in the right to carry guns. Weaker individuals and women who do not have the mechanism of self-defense rely on weapons. Many American citizens who hunt as a sport or practice target shooting as entertainment, this privilege should not be taken away from them. A family legacy of gun ownership is many times a determining factor in whether a person will become an owner. The legacies of guns from family members do not pose a threat to an individual. However, there should be tougher laws for people who offer sales of fire arms at events and sell weapons that cannot be traced. Citizens are also believed to reinforce the police efforts to combat crime. Therefore, the crimes that are regarded as less harmful are aggravated by the addition of guns to the offence. Also, legalized gun holders increase the chances of the weapon falling into the hands of kids who are prone to cause deadly accidents either intentionally as revenge or
The new legislature that recently passed in Texas allows gun owners who are licensed to conceal carry (C.C. for short) the ability to have their concealed gun on their person while they are on the college campus including the ability to carry indoors. There are many concerns regarding gun laws, safety, and control that are making their way into the spotlight as a result of these new laws for gun owners. Given the fact that the right to carry a weapon is purely for protection of yourself, your family and your community there is no reason that guns should be restricted from being carried in any given environment, however there is good reason to place restrictions on who might be able to obtain one. Many of the concerns surrounding gun safety revolve around a number of statistics that are used by different groups in order to fuel their individual agendas. My intention here is to look at the laws and restrictions in Texas and to compare the rates of gun violence (including murder, suicide and accidents) to other states and countries in order to show you as a reader how responsible gun usage is a benefit to the community as well as to the individual and should be encouraged more than it is feared because it ensures not just personal safety, but the safety and liberty of our nation.
Mass shootings. Did you know that the United States has the most mass shootings of every country in the world? It’s true. In the chart “Civilian Firearms by Country,” we see that more people have guns in the US than anywhere else in the world, including countries like India and China who have a lot more people than the in US. says:”Over the past four decades, no other country as experienced as many mass shootings as the United States.” Mexico requires a job letter to get a legal gun. Austria requires you show extreme physical danger. Several countries require a membership in a shooting club. It is difficult to limit gun use in the US because the US is one of only three countries where the Constitution lets people own guns. Every state has the right to make its own laws about guns, and there is no national law about how old one has to be, or what reasons one has to have to own a gun.
The legality of having guns and possessing firearms in the United States of America is well engraved within the Second Amendment of the nation’s constitution. However, the issue of gun regulation has remained a central topic in America’s public. Some people advocate for a total ban on gun possession, while others are totally against this idea. The shooting incident in Las Vegas weeks ago has raised controversial debates in the United States of America. In fact, the White House is concerned on the stand that President Trump will take on the issue of stricter gun laws. One of the cities that has gained the attention of both the legislators on this topic is Chicago. For its reputation for its low rate of gang arrests, lax punishments for gun law violations, and comparatively weak laws in accordance with surrounding states, it is justifiable to say that Chicago’s daily shootings are a clear indicator that strict state gun laws don’t work.