
Gun Violence : Shouldn 't We Or Should We

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Gun Violence: Shouldn’t we or Should We
The debate of gun control or violence has gained momentum after the Sandy Hook Elementary Aurora and school, Colorado film theater shootings. People feel sympathetic for the families who lost their lives in a horrifying way. There is a common saying, "people kill people, gun do not kill," the paper explores the validity of the statement. The debate should be whether the issues or challenge is gun access or the individual with trigger access. The researcher maintains that crime or violence leading to death can be lowered if the guns ' purchase could be legalized and training for the appropriate gun use was conducted.
Many factors can be said as root causes of gun violence. These include a decline in …show more content…

(20). Regrettably, guns bought devoid of background checks are all impossible to monitor. There lacks means of establishing a history of the gun buyer. This is the justification of merely plugging loopholes can be ineffective (Zigmond 10). The requirement of background checks can help in slowing the rate at which guns fall in the wrong hands. However, it may not halt complete gun violence, as records are not updated. Limiting high-capacity bullets or ammunition is most probably the obtainable of all options. Discontinuing and banning murderous weapons can slow rate of committing murder by use of guns (Henderson 3).
Thinking of what it can be like when gun control advocates or supporters had their way. When gun control supporters win the debate and got the regulations construed in such a manner that they were outlawed, it would be in vain or useless (Zigmond 8). Guns are too easy to own. In addition, guns easily fall in the wrong hands or people, and that how gun violence come about.
Mental illness is an issue blamed for gun violence. In most cases, mass shooters have mental illness, which may have been managed before being shot. Mental health treatment, normally is accessible to individuals with wealth (Henderson 4). Therefore, many factors are leading people or individuals too powerless in a money-driven society.

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