
H.G. Wells' The Time Traveler Essay

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H.G. Wells' The Time Traveler H.G. Wells lived at the turn of the century. During this time, there was a huge gulf between the rich and poor. “The Time Traveller’s” socialist tone highlights the injustices of the British class system. Well’s protagonist, imagines the future to consist of a perfect society, where everyone is equal and technology is extremely advanced. This view is based on mankind’s continual advances during his lifetime, so he assumes we will continue to advance in the future. “The Time Traveller” reflects H.G Well’s opinions about mankind, and acts as a warning for what could happen in the future if society does not embrace equality and humanity. When the Time Traveller arrives in the future, he notices …show more content…

He fails to acknowledge the obvious dilapidation and decay in the city. The Time Traveller first notices the Morlocks, in the night. There were several of them carrying something up the hill. He thinks they are ghosts, which is a common rationalisation for phenomenon, which is frightening or alien to us. This is true in the Eloi’s case. They are scared of the dark, as they do not know what is out there. The Eloi sleep together because they are scared of the dark because as this is when the Morlocks come out to prey. The Time Traveller then develops a second theory that the Morlocks were the working class of his age and the Eloi the upper class. This is a complete contrast to his communist theory, it is infact, a form of capitalism. He imagines that the Morlocks came to live underground because the upper class, the Eloi did not want to be socially involved with the lower class. Slowly over time, the lower classes places of work began to develop underground, until there was no need for the workers to go above ground. Like animals, they adapted to their surroundings and developed into the Morlocks. The Time Traveller believes that the Morlocks are the working classes who struggle beneath the more affluent Eloi. This belief seems to be confirmed by the Eloi’s appearance. They are above ground and are dressed in rich clothes and never do any work. The Morlocks are a dull white, and have “strange large greyish red

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