
Half Way Covenant : The United States

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Half-Way Covenant: The Half-Way Covenant was a response to the Puritan struggle to maintain power and numbers within New England as a result of the harsh requirement of publicly recounting one’s conversion experience. This compromise, posed in 1662, allowed the any child of a baptized adult to be baptized regardless of whether or not the parent was a saint. The first generation could pass church membership to the third generation, while the second generation would be in a “halfway” state wherein it could not partake in many church affairs. Despite this desperate attempt at reviving Puritan saint numbers, the number of saints dwindled and the traditions of New England soon fell through.
Maryland Act for Religious Toleration: The Maryland …show more content…

Virginia House of Burgesses and Governor’s Council: The year 1628 brought forth a new monarch to England, Charles I, who finally allowed Virginia to have a representative government. However, he tasked the assembly with imposing taxes on the exportation of tobacco. The need to increase taxes in 1630 caused an increase in the frequency of meetings of the assembly. Originally, there was only one entity, but the single body split in the 1650s into the two groups. The Virginian system of government consisted of a dual chamber legislature of the House of Burgesses and the Governor’s Council. Burgesses were elected officials appointed to represent the populace. Each member of the two chambers had permanent positions. This two-house system mirrors our current United States Senate and was likely a model for the modern system of government.
Fundamental Orders of Connecticut 1639: The Fundamental Orders of Connecticut, created and adopted by the Connecticut General Court in 1639, established the basis of the government in Connecticut until 1662. The Fundamental Orders are credited to Roger Ludlow with the help of John Haynes, John Steel, and Edward Hopkins. The Fundamental Orders united Hartford, Wethersfield, and Windsor under a single government. The Fundamental Orders included a preamble followed by eleven laws or orders. These eleven orders outlined the requirements for regular court meetings and placed restrictions on the eligibility for the position of governor

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