
Halloween Is A Good Thing To Have A Spooky

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Halloween is the spookiest time of the year and a good Halloween can't be spooky without a spooky story. Well maybe the 13th of November on a Friday will work just as fine anyway I think it is time we move on to my story, the story of the dreaded hook. Only the spookiest of stories have hooks and my teacher told me that our story needs to have a hook. The story starts in 1979 when the first portable cassette player was developed by Sony at least that is what Bailey3000 told me on Yahoo answers. I’m sure you all know that Sony is the spookiest company of all companies nowadays even Microsoft is afraid of the Playstation’s pure terror. During this dreadful year my grandfather's, best friend's, girlfriend's, cousin whose name is Kevin Spooky and don't look him up because you will get haunted. Kevin was a big fan of the paranormal to such an extent that he would dress up as a spooky ghost for halloween. This year he wanted to have the spookiest costume ever so he decided to dress as a spooky scary skeleton because everyone knows they are the spookiest and scariest. Kevin awaited the 31st of October, he waited this spooky holiday so much that he went to bed for three days and woke up on Halloween because sleeping that long is way too spooky. …show more content…

Kevin decided to take his dog with him and dress the dog as a spooky ghost. Kevin and spooky leave the comfort of the home they lived in and set off on a night of horror. Kevin and spooks decided to spend this night in a haunted house across the road. Everyone said that the house wasn't haunted but Kevin knows a haunted house when he see’s one and this house was without a doubt

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