
Hamilton Group Rd A Description Of The Current System

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Description of the current system
The Hamilton Group RDA’s current paper-based system is used mainly by the manager in recording the details of the riders, staffs and horses. To register a new rider, a client will contact the manager of the HGRDA, then the manager will give them forms to be filled with their personal information and medical information. This form will be kept by the manager to create a new profile record of the new rider. In addition, the manager will also require a medical consent from a hospital or a medical institute so that they can participate in activities provided by the school. These consents need to be renewed every two years, so the manager will record the dates in a paper so that it can be easily tracked rather …show more content…

It is achieved by opening the specific compiler of the desired information then search through or have a review of the files stored.
In addition, when a rider or staff has some changes with their details they must inform the manager so that their record may be updated. To update an information a manual search will be done by the manager to find the file from the compiled records then, the new information will be either rewritten in the file or a new file will be produced. For an instance, after contacting the manager about the rider’s new contact details the manager will collect these new details and will search through the compiler of the rider’s information to find the rider’s file then rewrite the contact details.
At the beginning of the year the manager sets up the timetable and it stays the same for the whole year unless the rider leaves the school or the rider will not be able to attend the scheduled activity. Each rider is only scheduled to have one activity per week. With the help of the paper-based system and the established timetable, every day the manager will print out the names of the riders on a sheet of paper to have a list of the rider scheduled for the day. Besides, by using this established schedule the manager will know how many staffs, including volunteers, will be needed for the day and the assigned task for the horse currently

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