HAMMERANDOS At the time of the Greek Gods, they had unusual pets. Athena, a Greek Goddess had an interesting creature. Her pet's name was hammerandos. Unlike, other animals in the God’s time, hammerandos was sweet. His personality consisted of being happy, lovable, generous, and he was also kind-hearted. Hammerandos had some weird features! The first unique features were from the hammerhead shark. They were a head and teeth. He used them to fight off enemies. Also from the hammerhead, he has eyes on either side of his head. That can make him look in two directions at once. He only has one feature from the panda bear; it is the ability to shed the warm fur. Once he sheds his fur he is able to keep people warm. The last features are from
Ardipithecus Ramidus: Pretty long face, cranial capacity looks small compared to the size of the head
Junot Diaz was born in the Dominican Republic and immigrated with his family to New Jersey, where a collection of his short stories are based from. Out of that collection is a short story “Fiesta, 1980”, which was featured in The Best American Short Stories, 1997. This story is told from the perspective of an adolescent boy, who lives in the Bronx of northern New Jersey with his family. He is having trouble understanding why things are the way they are in his family. Diaz shows Yunior’s character through his cultures, his interaction with his family, and his bitterness toward his father.
There are three different species of hnau (sentient beings who function like humans in society) on Malacandra: hross, sorn, and pfifltriggi. They greatly differ when it comes to appearance, personality, and giftings, but each of them reflect different attributes. The hrossa are the most humanoid. Ransom states that a hross looks like “...a man seven feet high, with a snaky body, covered, face and all, with thick black animal hair, and whiskered like a cat...glossy coat, liquid eye, sweet breath and whitest teeth — and added to all these, as though Paradise had never been lost and earliest dreams were true, the charm of speech and reason.” They are imaginative and gifted in the arts, as well as adept outdoorsman. The hrossa are friendly and
In the Old Kingdom the sacredbaboon or ape was associated with the patron of writing and wisdom god DHwty.Moreover, it was a manifestation of the moon god DHwty and it was a very strong relation between the baboons and the sun in Ancient Egypt because of their curious habit of warming themselves by the sun rays at the beginning of the day with raised paws after a very cold night to the extent that it was believed that these animals adored the solar sphere.
head of a hammer. Their eyes and nostrils are at the ends of the hammer.
that God put on this earth. One of my favorite characteristics about this animal is there
As the author objective was to describe the zoological features of the animals existed at that age, and he talked about the naturalistic characteristics, technical rendition and decorative significance of that creatures
One day a little kid asked me “why do bucks lose their antlers?” So I decided to tell him a story. On a cold day during February, Artemis was out in the woods walking with the deer. She was the goddess of animals, and she would help them out night and day. Every hunting season she would hide them until it was safe to go out, and she helped the deer more because they were a sacred animal to her.
The politics that allowed Trujillo to reign over the island in the way that he did were not just relegated to upper-class men. Beli, Abelard’s orphaned daughter, grows to as beautiful as her sisters. She experiences the strain of colonial politics on the island in multiple ways throughout her life before she leaves for the US. This is first experienced when she is living as a servant in the outer-shanties of Santo Domingo. After La Inca saves her, she experiences the racism of Dominican society, where she is determined to be other because of the blackness of her skin (Diaz 84). Finally, she ‘escapes’ the life that she is living with La Inca and uses her newly ‘empowered’ body, “endowed” with secondary sex characteristics, to navigate the patriarchal world she inhabits (Diaz 95). Ultimately, through her fling with The Gangster, she comes into contact with his wife, Trujillo’s sister and, thus, the fuku. She almost dies at the orders of La Fea, but is saved with the help of the Mongoose. She escapes to the US, but the move does not take “her any further away from the fukú, since the source of the curse is imperial power itself” (Mahler 127). Which brings us our superhero and the last instance of the fukú as described in the Cabral story, Oscar. Oscar also experiences the racial politics that his mother experiences, because of his
Several monsters such as the Minotaur, Medusa, and centaurs appear to be partially human. The Minotaur, for example, has the head of a bull but the body of a man. He was born as the offspring of Minos’s wife and a beautiful bull sent by Poseidon. However, Minos’s wife was forced to love the bull by Poseidon. On the other hand, Medusa was born a beautiful woman until she upset Athena who turned her into a terrifying monster
Victor, once fully grown, still yearns to obtain the true attributes of beauty through his creation. He toils over the creature's characteristics, saying, “I had selected his features as beautiful. Beautiful! … but these luxuriances only formed a more horrid contrast with his watery eyes.” (55) Victor puts a
Every year the man or woman sets out to slay the beast but never returns. Except this time the newest kin was born with an extraordinary birth defect, this baby boy was birthed as a siamese twin with the sister being a dog with the aging process of a human. The two were merely attached back to back so the separation was easy. The mother who was left behind by the husband knew that her two children together would take down the great beast. She named the two kids in preparation for their destiny, the boy was named Harp-Destroyer (HD) and the dog was named Destroyer-of-the-Harp (DotH). The two youngins trained hard and trained fast by the time they were both 10 they were deemed 100% capable of slaying the great
Once upon a time there was a creature called the Pandra. The Pandra was a mix of a couple of the animals we know today. It was a variety of a Panda, a Dragon, a Fish, and a Unicorn. It had many adaptations within its peculiar features. The first adaptation was spiky wings with shiny fish scales that allowed the Pandra to fly, but also allowed it to swim by spinning it’s wings as propellers through the water. It’s wings also hurt predators by spiking them when they come near. It’s fur is waterproof, soft, and thin because it lives in a very humid and wet environment. The Pandra also has a unicorn horn that glows in the dark lagoon, so it can find it’s prey.
The Lunanoid's hands and feet, paws maybe, Tristan wondered, ended in thick, sharp, adamantine talons that looked capable of piercing rock. It had a definite reptilian aspect, extended bat-like wings, as wide as it was tall, and a pointed tail that appeared to be prehensile, judging by the way that it moved.
To properly visualize this animal, someone must first know that he is a full bred male American Bulldog and, true to the breed, is almost completely snow white. The exceptions to this are the backs of his ears, (they have light brown spots on them) his belly, (which is pink with brown spots) his nose, (big and black) and his left eye, (encircled in black with a brown eyebrow) which goes a long way to making him look like he has recently been in a fist fight. His body is long and slim and if I had his muscle definition, I would never