
Han China Technology Dbq Essay

Decent Essays

Jonatan Frisendahl
Ms. Rodriguez
Both Rome and Han China’s government’s attitude toward technology varied. Some supported the thought of new and improved technology, while others thought lowly of it and didnt find a need of technology. Technology also affected the social and economic classes of Rome and Han China. The governments of Rome and Han China had many reasons to support technology. According to Han Government Official from the second century BCE, the use of technology could prevent floods as well as bring more fresh water to cottages and government building. (doc 1) The document shows that technology with good maintenence and improvements can not only bring greater pleasure by increasing the amount of water that flows …show more content…

According to Huan Guan, a government official from first century BCE, tools made by individuals were well made and of high quiality, but as the government started to take over and monopolize tool manufacturing, the quality of tools diminished. Many agricultural workers had to resort to wooden tools that were inferrior compared to iron tools. The monopoly over tools and the quality of tools got so bad, that even some government officials agreed that the state should stop with the monopolization and return back to how metallurgy use to be. Huan Tan, and upper class philosopher from around 20 CE, wrote about Fuxi, the inventor of the mortar and the Pestle that lead to greater innovations of the two which increased efficiency of the pieces of technology. This document shows that the mortar and the pestle was a great invention, so great that an upper class philosopher is writing about how much this invention has helped. A greek-born, Roman official , known as Plutarch, wrote about Roman political leader, Gaius Gracchus, of the first century CE. Plutarch wrote that Gaius built a paved road for the public to use. He set up mile markers to help mark distances, and also set up stones for people to get on their horses without the help of another person. This document shows that with the improvements with the road, people are able to travel better and faster and how technology affected people of all classes. An additional document that is from a middle to lower class citizen would help emphasize the affect of technology on all classes. Not just upper

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