The Book Thief Essay Throughout the book there are instances, objects, colors, etc. that are recurring. Choose one of these and discuss its impact on the reader, the plot, the character(s), the conflicts, etc. Hans Hubermann’s accordion is an object that periodically appeared in The Book Thief. It was a key symbol in the book and also in Liesel’s life. An example of the effect the accordion had on Liesel is, “… as she knelt next to Hans Hubermann, she watched him stand and play the accordion. … The bellows breathed and the tall man played for Liesel Meminger one last time as the sky was slowly taken from the stove”(Zusak 538). This shows that the accordion impacted Liesel because that is the main thing that reminds her of Hans when he died.
Commentary: Death is an omniscient narrator. He switches between many of the characters in the book. He describes many of the characters feelings, emotions, and thoughts throughout the story.
3. Examine the cover of the novel. What images do you see? How do you think the images are connected to the story?
The novel The Book Thief develops the relationship between Hans Hubermann and Liesel Meminger more than the film The Book Thief therefore minimizing the theme. First, Hans comforts Liesel when she has nightmares, “Possibly the only
* How do memory, symbol, and pattern affect the reading of literature? How does the recognition of patterns make it easier to read complicated literature? Discuss a time when your appreciation of a literary work was enhanced by understanding symbol or pattern.
Theme of the story: The conditions of a character's life has a direct influence on how they act in the novel.
How do memory, symbol, and pattern affect the reading of literature? How does the recognition of patterns make it easier to read complicated literature? Discuss a time when your appreciation of a literary work was enhanced by understanding symbol or pattern.
How do memory, symbol, and pattern affect the reading of literature? How does the recognition of patterns make it easier to read complicated literature? Discuss a time when your appreciation of a literary work was enhanced by understanding symbol or pattern.
The Outsiders Essay – Describe an interesting theme from a text you have studied. Explain why this theme is interesting.
The Book Thief by Markus Zusak shows through the midst of brutality, beauty can still be shown. The main characters Liesel Meminger, Rudy Steiner and Hans Huberman, prove this statement they are all faced with perilous situations, but still manage to show beauty throughout the situations. Liesel Meminger display beauty during the air raids, as she manages to read to people in the basement. Rudy Steiner displays beauty he jumps in the river to get Liesel’s book. Through Hans Huberman nobel character he displays beauty as he risks his life to hide a Jewish man in his basement.
Write an essay that discusses three different significant symbols from the book. Explain the significance of the symbol, why it is symbolic and how over the course of the novel that symbol changes. Make sure to explain why the changes to the symbol are significant to the interpretation of the novel. (remember symbols can be both objects and characters)
the theme is to question what the author was trying to relate to the reader.
Ruling Germany under a democracy, Hitler controlled and influenced everyone's ideas and views on particular religions, races and what is the ideal norm. This reign of power destroyed and developed relationships for Liesel. With the disappearance of her mother, father and the death of her brother Werner, Hitler ruined her sense of belonging with her biological family. Thus, creating a sense of belonging with the Hubermann family and the community of Himmel street. At the beginning of the novel The Book Thief (2005), Liesel has a neutral feeling towards Hitler as she only knows of him as the Fuhrer. However, as she grows an understanding of literature and the harsh reality during Hitler's rule, Liesel develops a loathing hate towards the
Choose a character out of the novel; describe the characters personality and placement in the novel.
Trace three of the following threads through the novel. In two paragraphs for each explain the various literary effects of each of the threads and how each is related to the theme. Use quotations from the novel to support each analysis.
Death states that, “I’m always finding humans at their best and worst. I see their ugly and their beauty, and I wonder how the same thing can be both” (Zusak 491). This book shows us human doing things that weren’t even imaginable before this point. Many people give into ideas that were lies. But, we also watch a few people go out of their way and sacrifice everything for a man they barely even know. They do everything they can to keep him safe and alive. They work harder, the get another job, and they even steal. In Markus Zusak’s The Book Thief, death examines the ugliness and the beauty of humans.