
Hard Works Pays Off Analysis

Decent Essays

One of the things I hear the most from adults is “Hard works pays off” and I agree with them; however, if someone were to say that to me a year ago, I, the boy whose As fell into his lap, would have laughed it off.
From Day One of Ms. Steiner’s Honors English class, the importance of sentence structure, and grammar, and proofreading, and analyzing texts was drilled into my brain like a screw into a board. I could see why upperclassmen referred to it as “the most challenging sophomore English course”. The first essay was due the next week, and after all it was the first week, so she’d be lenient, right? Wrong. Did her nose bleed over my paper? Run-ons, vague pronoun, weak thesis, no transition. This could not have been mine, but the 12 pt

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