
Has your Welfare Benefits Been Shut Down?

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Has your welfare benefits been shut down? Food stamps are a stimulus to people who are unemployed and homeless. It’s also a way for people who are working part time making low wages to receive additional assistance from the government. Hardships like this affect our communities with low income or no income. The city of Atlanta, for instance, is rapidly growing. The United States Census Bureau says, “19.2% of Georgians are in poverty today.” Increased from last year, although there are many factors that contribute to poverty today. Atlanta’s efforts rise in poverty, as food stamp cuts and backlogging shortens local incentives in the Atlanta community, which needs to reform policies as spending, and enrollment responsibility. To help those struggling in our community to actively be aware of what is going on in the community. The supplemental nutrition assistance program –SNAP helps families in domestic hunger safety. Most might refer to them as Food stamps. SNAP is helpful for people who need assistance facing poverty. The Hamilton Project says, “This makes it the country’s most critical tool in battling poverty. The program kept 4.9 million out of poverty in 2012.” Many may argue, why are people still being unassisted in receiving SNAP benefits? As Michael Tanner writes in his policy analysis, “Snap is a deeply troubled program that has high administrative costs and significant levels of fraud and abuse” (1). Which leads me to say, it is time for the state to

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