
Hazan And Shaver's Approach To Adult Romantic Attachment Theory

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In present generation, we can observe that adolescents being young and flexible have specific ways of handling the kinds of relationship they are into. Generally, they are known to be incredibly active in exploring, engaging and developing relationships either in a friendship level or romantic level. Moreover, building relationships is essential in one’s life, it has the ability to influence positively in terms of psychological and physical well-being (Moore & Leung, 2002). However, individuals also experience relationship setbacks and stumble upon undesirable situations. In other words, these established relationships may also lead to dilemmas when negative situations arises, such as break-ups, loss of a loved one, …show more content…

The attachment theory approach to adult love relationship was proposed and fully developed by Hazan and Shaver (1887, 1988). Based on their theory, attachment style is explained mostly in terms of persistence of inner working models of one’s self and of relationships based on early social interactions (Hazan & Shaver, 1987). Although originally, attachment theory was intended to explain the emotional bond of the infants and their caregivers, Bowlby (1979) which was the first to introduced this theory also believed that it is an essential aspect of human experience since it plays an influential role in adults’ emotional lives as well (Frayley & Shaver, …show more content…

There are widely varying culture and ethnic groups that possess distinct cultural principles and attachment styles which is believed to have a deep influence in romantic preferences (Hatfield & Rapson, 1995). Eastern and Western culture clearly varies in two basic principles, specifically, individualism and collectivism (Hofstede, 1980; Phinney, Ong, & Madden, 2000; Triandis, Bontempo, &Villareal, 1988).
In individualism, from its root word “individual”, highlights the rights and the significance of one’s goals. While, collectivism emphasizes the rights and welfare of the group that a person belongs to (Lalonde, Hynie, Pannu & Tatla, 2004). To name a few, individualistic nationalities include European-Americans, the intermediate in individualism and collectivism are Americans and Pacific Islanders, and Chinese-Americans were considered to be collectivist (Doherty et. al.,

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