
Head Loss Lab

Decent Essays

The purpose of this laboratory experiment is to demonstrate head losses in a pipe system due to friction. This lab is accomplished given three horizontal pipe systems. Three given lengths and diameters, one straight non-clear pvc pipe, one straight clear pvc pipe, and one clear pvc with multiple bends. The first two pipes both only have a major head loss due to friction (since they are just a straight pipe going across), and the third pipe has the same friction head loss as the second pipe plus a minor head loss due to bends in the pipe. To measure the head loss in the pipe systems, after determining a flow rate of gallons per second, the water would flow through only one pipe system at a time and measure the pressure at the start, take the …show more content…

Turn on all the pressure gauges for the pipe systems. Make sure the valves for pipe system 1 are both open. Then close the valves to stop flow for both the second and third pipe system, restricting the flow to only the first pipe system. Take the pressure measurements on both ends of the pipe system. Repeat this for all three pipe systems, making sure to open the valve system first of the pressures going to be read before closing the flow valves for the pipe just measured. 4. The data obtained includes two trail runs of the experiment for all three-pipe systems. So two sets of data for pressure in and pressure out for all three pipes, and a flow rate for both trails ran. Using this data it is possible to calculate for total head loss, velocity, slope of energy grade line, hydraulic radius, and all friction coefficients. Also calculate the minor loss, and relative error between calculated and measured minor …show more content…

This lab demonstrated the head loss in pipe systems due to friction. It was performed by pumping water into the pipe systems, measuring flow rate and taking pressure differences. Last, a final calculation of the results of the head loss and all friction coefficients from the three different equations. Given that our friction coefficients matched closely with the values from the reference table means that our data was fairly accurate. The relative errors for the minor loss are a bit high, but this could be due to mathematical errors. The head loss due to friction in the opaque pvc pipe was much more than the head loss in the clear pvc pipe. The clear pvc pipe with bends in it had much head loss added from each bend. So given in a real world situation when designing a pipe system it needs to be kept in mind that material and amount of bends, even the flow rate all affect the Head Loss in the

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