
Fluid Meter and Tray Hydraulic Experiment Essay

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Section | Author Introduction & Theory | Author Apparatus and Operating Procedures | Author Results and Discussion | Author References and Appendix | Experiment I | Tricia Heitmann | Alex Long | William Kwendi | Khanh Ho | Experiment II | Alex Long | William Kwendi | Khanh Ho | Tricia Heitmann | Experiment V | William Kwendi | Khanh Ho | Tricia Heitmann | Alex Long |

April 29, 2013

Dr. Nollert
The University of Oklahoma
Department of Chemical, Biological and Materials Engineering
Norman, OK 73019

Dr. Nollert,

The experiment performed was Experiment IV: Fluid Flow Meters and Tray Hydraullics. The group was composed of Alex Long, Khanh Ho, Tricia Heitmann and myself. The first day of …show more content…

The purpose of the fluid flow meters experiment was to determine the operating characteristics of the Venturi and orifice meters. The purpose of the tray hydraulics experiment was to study the vapor and liquid tray hydraulics parameters for sieve, or perforated, trays in a distillation column. By performing experiments based on theory and comparing results to literature values, the objectives of this experiment can be achieved. Both the orifice and the Venturi meters produce a restriction in the flow and measure the pressure drop across the meter. The velocity of a fluid is expected to increase as the fluid flows from an open area, to a more constricted area. Assuming incompressible flow, a negligible height change, and steady state, Bernoulli’s equation can be simplified to show the correlation between the volumetric flow rate and the pressure drop. The equation for both meters is as follows: w=Qρ=CYA22gc(p1-p2)ρ1-β4 (1) 1 where A2 is the cross-sectional area of the throat, C is the coefficient of discharge (dimensionless), gc is the dimensional constant, Q is the volumetric rate of discharge measured at upstream pressure and temperature, w is the weight rate of discharge, p1 and p2 are the pressures at upstream and downstream static pressure taps, respectively, Y is a dimensionless expansion factor, β is the ratio of the throat diameter to pipe

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