
Health And Social Care Organisations

Decent Essays

Within Health and social care organisations service providers have a legal duty of care to every individual ensuring their care is a priority. There are many different key priorities which are essential within healthcare settings and to the provision of services for those individuals with diseases, illnesses or conditions. For example an individual’s safety and security, mobility, hygiene, intellectual, social and emotional needs are all priorities within a healthcare setting to ensure service users and service providers feel comfortable and confident in providing and receiving high quality care which results in good health outcomes. There are many approaches which can be taken to ensure these priorities are maintained within health and social care organisations. This is to ensure every individuals safety and quality care is of a high standard, for example approaches can be taken such as preventative measures, understanding that there are different treatments available, and having an awareness of palliative care and remedial care. Within my placement these priorities and approaches are of a huge importance to the provision of services for people with diseases or illness, care and treatment must be provided to suit each individual’s needs.
Security can come in many different meanings and actions within health and social care organisations for example it might mean information security, emotional security and health and safety security. The safety and security of every

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