
Health Care Case Study

Decent Essays

According to Bleier (2014), managers at more than a dozen Veteran Affairs (VA) facilities lied about scheduling appointments and 93 VA facilities across the country are being investigated for not doing what is expected in health care. Officials at 42 of the 93 facilities engaged in manipulation of scheduling. However, 19 of the same facilities cancelled appointments and then rescheduled for the same day to meet on time performance goals. The required electronic waiting lists were failed by 16 facilities. Phoenix VA hospital falsified waiting list while their supervisors looked the other way or even directed this action to be conducted, resulting in chronic delays for veterans seeking care. In addition, 14 out of 17 patients received …show more content…

Comprehensive data science strategy needs to address the quality of the underlying data and effective ways to analyze the data. If an organization tries to aggregate and analyze poor quality data, it may derive dangerous conclusions. An inadequate framework may undermine trust of patients and providers, when the problem might be the system set in place by the administrators.
Clinics without an effective data science strategy may never realize returns on their investment in electronic health records (EHRs), may have disillusioned providers and face potentially catastrophic risks resulting from inadequate or timely care for the proper well-being of their patients. Along with a good plan, organizations need support from their management teams with a range of skills in data processing, statistics, computer science, visualization, operational research management, artificial intelligence and maintenance to ensure that no patience’s referral is overlooked and proper care is given. To achieve levels of effectiveness, frontline administrators may need to change how they work in order to incorporate insights and act on them at the point of care. There have been several referral appointments that my provider at Nashville VA has stated that she submitted and I waited approximately a month with no appointment. I finally went back to the provider and to our surprised

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