
Health Care Demand Analysis

Decent Essays

Understanding the demand for medical care is critical in the United States being that medical care accounts for a large percent of the gross domestic product. Over the past few decades the cost of medical care has been on a constant rise. Which has in turn increased the demand for health insurance.
The demand for medical care is a derived demand from the demand for health and is generally determined by several different factors. Some of which one can control such as individual lifestyle and others that one cannot control such as environmental factors and genetics (Laureate Education). Once sick the demand for health care increases, as the services needed increase.
In the United States there is not a distinct national health care delivery …show more content…

The demand of health insurance shapes the demand of health care. Individuals with health insurance use more health care. With out insurance there is not many guaranteed ways to finance medical care. When someone becomes suddenly ill she faces many risk; who will take care of you? Who will pay your bills? Who will help you with doctor bills? First she may turn to her savings; savings is generally used as protection against unexpected incidents. Not every one have saving lying around for hard times; therefore some may turn to family for financial resources. Family assistance is kindly given however must be repaid. Charity is sometimes used in these situations but cannot be depended on being that people are not obligated to donate on your behalf. This is why people purchase insurance for just in case one day they become ill there is some type of insurance that will help ease they financial burden of medical care. Being that the alternative methods of covering risk is not guaranteed nor stable if not insured one will be less likely to consume medical care when ill For an example if one do not have insurance she will be careful about how she seeks medical attention. In relation to the law of supply and demand if a doctor visit is high one will be careful about how she consumes doctor

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