
Health Concerns On Elderly And Causes And Consequences Of Malnutrition : What Is Specific For Elderly?

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Nutritional concern in elderly & causes & consequences of malnutrition: What is specific for elderly? Universally, the number of older adults is growing faster than any other age group. Specifically, by 2030, individuals age 65 and over will be about one-fifth (1/5) of the U.S. population Energy requirements decline in the older adults because of the lower energy expended in physical activity and decreased basal metabolic rate. According to the Dietary Guidelines for Americans 2015-2020, the estimated energy needs for healthy and sedentary individuals aged 61 years or older are 2000 and 1600 calories per day for men and women, respectively which are lower than younger adults. For instance, those who aged fifties their energy needs are …show more content…

Intake of certain micronutrients could worsen in older adults with the reduction in energy intake. For instance, institutionalized elderly from several worldwide countries were found to be at high risk of low 25(OH) D values because of a reduced dietary intake or synthesis capacity. Also, the incidence of cobalamin (vitamin B12) deficiency was ≥12% in a sample of community dwelling older Americans in the Framingham study. Older individuals are commonly at risk of B12 deficiency because of the increasing incidence of atrophic gastritis (H. pylori bacteria infection of the stomach is the most common cause of chronic atrophic gastritis which is a process of chronic inflammation of the stomach mucosa, leading to loss of gastric glandular cells and their replacement by fibrous tissues. As a result, the stomach 's secretion of essential substances such as HCl acid, pepsin, and intrinsic factor is impaired, leading (B12 malabsorption) to digestive problems) which cause cobalamin malabsorption with age, which may lead to pernicious anemia (PA), Atrophic gastritis also reduces the absorption of several other vitamins and minerals such as folic acid, vitamin B6, calcium and iron. There are many internal and external factors leads to malnutrition in elderly. Physiological and psychological changes, such as anorexia, which is a loss of appetite that can lead to decrease of food intake. Also, the changes in sensory, poor dentations, swallowing difficulties,

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