Respect Health Consumers’ Privacy and Confidentiality The purpose of this code of practice is to set outbehavioural guidelines excepted by nurses in safeguarding privacy and confidentiality of health consumer information. It involves safeguarding personal information collected during treatment, the use of confidential information for the sole purpose of treatment, disclosing information only to health practitioners for healthcare purpose, consent should be given by health consumer to share confidential information, securely storing health records and is only accessed for provision of care purposes, not discussing health consumer care or practice standards in public on social media they may be easily identified. This could endanger the well-being
1.1 Identify legislation and codes of practice that relate to handling information in health and socail care
While I understand the need for both, I think that Congress should make HIPAA the law of the land with regards to medical privacy. Every individual’s rights and information should have the same level of protection no matter where in the United States they are located. Not only would a universal law help to eliminate the confusion between states, it would also remove a few of the barriers associated with universal healthcare. With better communication across state lines, patients will be able to send and receive information in a timely manner improving patient outcomes and quality.
At a practice level, the importance and guidance of the Code of Conduct, Code of Ethics and NPA are demonstrated on a daily basis with regard to the issues of documentation, informed consent and open disclosure, and confidentiality. With respect to documentation, nurses must be able to document patient assessments and responses in an accurate, comprehensive and confidential manner and record all observations objectively. Informed consent and open disclosure are also major legal issues nurses face daily. It refers to the communication between the patient and health professional that results in the patient's agreement to undergo a specific procedure and requires that the patient has thoroughly understood the procedure, implications and risks prior to giving written consent.
The personal Health Information Protection Act sets out rules for the collection, use and disclosure of personal Health information. I discussed with my preceptor situations that demonstrate confidentiality regulations. she explained to me while counseling patient she always respects patient's confidentiality by providing private counseling area. Health information of the patient is shared only with health care professionals. With some exceptions, the legislation requires health information custodians to obtain consent before they collect, use or disclose personal health information. Individual have the right to access and request correction of their own personal health information. I also discussed about OCP code of ethics relevant to the
In order to maintain the patient’s confidentiality (Data Protection Act 1998; Human Right Act 1998), he will be named John or Jonny for the purposes of the assignment.
2007, Pp.206-212). Working towards, and gaining knowledge of all skills, and the importance of communication has allowed me to strengthen my own understanding when communicating with others. As a student nurse, I need to understand the importance and reliance of my record keeping, to the continuity of care for patients. It is imperative that any nursing records I keep is complete, is accurate to prevent potential miscommunication and mistakes, and must be countersigned by a registered nurse. Notes should include the status of the patient and patient’s wishes, so that appropriate actions can be taken and in accordance with those wishes. Unless the patient lacks the mental capacity, then alternatively would act in the best interests of the patient according to: The Mental Capacity Act (2005). The patient’s notes should also emphasise the intervention outcome, I too need to be conscious of the language used within documents is clear, so others can understand it. Under the Data Protection Act (1998), I have a professional legal duty to keep all documents which I’m responsible for, confidential at all times. Documentation of clinical records, will help ensure that I am encouraging
Protected Health Information (PHI) is the definition used by HIPAA. It is any health information recorded or spoken that was received by a health care provider, health plan, public health authority, life insurer, school or university that describe the past and present physical or mental health occurred of an individual. This health information is personally identifiable to the patient and this information was exposed during the health service care. PHI was established to guarantee safety of the population. However, when the confidential information is violated and HIPAA protocols are not followed, the individual will have dealt upon a classification (Credentialed and non-credentialed faculty and students). Depending on the severity of the
Confidentiality, privacy and security are three main and related concepts that are usually interchangeably used when discussing health information protection within the healthcare systems.
The laws that govern privacy and confidentiality of patients are made both at the federal and at the state level. The most significant among these laws governing patient privacy and confidentiality is the Health Insurance Portability and Accountability Act (HIPAA) or the privacy act. The HIPAA has been the most important law that safeguards the medical documents as well its authorized disclosure. The HIPAA Act was privacy act enacted in 1996 to protect the individuals’ health information against an unlawful disclosure and use the so-called protected information.
Nurse are subject to various ethical and legal responsibilities in their professional role, such as to maintain patient’s privacy and confidentiality. Beginning in1893, nurses are taking the Nightingale Pledge to use all their power to maintain and elevate the standard of nursing profession and hold confidentiality in all personal matters committed to their keeping and all family affairs coming to their knowledge in the practice. That duty still continues today to protect the patient’s confidentiality. In 1996, the Health Insurance Portability and Accountability Act (HIPAA) was first enacted by Congress to improve continuity of health insurance coverage, combat health care waste and fraud, and simplify the administration of health insurance.
The nursing profession holds values such as honesty, human dignity, equality, commitment, care, competent, responsibilities to prevent the suffering of the sick and needed personnel (Gokenbach, 2012). As a professional nurse and an individual of the society, the writer of this paper believes in the values such as compassion, respecting the self-esteem, responsibility, honesty, conviction and impartiality. As individuals we all required to support and help each other and writer believes that our action and behavior make difference in patients and their loved one 's life. Respecting each other values, believes, culture, providing privacy in patient centered care indicates compassionate care as well as precise and accurate care improves patient safety, satisfaction and upholds the trusting relationship between caregiver and receiver.
There has always been much debate concerning confidentiality in the mental health field, and the health field in general. Psychologists and doctors alike are primed to be ethical and keep a patients’ information private and confidential. Once a patient walks into a therapist’s office or doctor’s office, all that is spoken about is supposed to be iron clad and kept in confidence. However, there are instances in which confidentiality must be broken. The terms for breaking confidentiality between patient and doctor were of great discussion for years. In our day and age laws have been set on when and how to break the confidentiality of a patient’s information. These laws came after the controversial lawsuit of Tarasoff v. Board of Regents of the
“Standards of practice are guidelines used to determine what a nurse should or should not do” (Nursing Standards of Practice, 2016). It provides a guide to the knowledge, skills, judgment, and attitudes needed to practice safely. When change is implemented, healthcare workers are responsible for and accountable to every patient for the quality of care the patients receive.
In the healthcare settings, health care providers are responsible for patient’s personal health privacy and calculations to prevent any medical and diagnose problem. The useful technique of healthcare are the units of measurements and formulas. This is a useful way for medical providers and other health care professionals to give patient a professional and beneficial service to help prevent risks of medical inconveniences that will end with misfortunes and abuse charges.
Privacy and confidentiality are basic rights in our society. Safeguarding those rights, with respect to an individual’s personal health information, is our ethical and legal obligation as health care providers. Doing so in today’s health care environment is increasingly challenging (OJIN, 2005).