
Health Crisis Facing Australi Universal Declaration Of Human Right Article

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Solutions to the Indigenous Health Crisis facing Australia Universal Declaration of Human Right Article 1 by Donnelly Jacob in 2013 states that “A LIFE of opportunity and dignity, free from discrimination and disadvantage, should not be an ideal. It is, in fact, a basic human right – one that we all share in common.” This figure reinforce that all the human beings are equal and have fair rights to live as a healthy life. However, in 2015 the Australian Bureau of Statistic has identified that the Australia simply rank top on one of the highest inequalities and poverty in health between Aboriginal and non-Aboriginal people in a league table of first world wealthy nations. Also, the highest disparity and lowest life expectancy between …show more content…

Funded strategies to address these problems are currently lacking and should be developed. The healthcare services infrastructures can be funded by the Government and ensure all these funded are made available to all the aboriginal people. Increase funding for Aboriginal people must remain priority and support for the building blocks of good health such as awareness and availability of healthy lifestyles should be delivered within a government structure for Aboriginal community (Australian Institute of Health and Welfare, 2011). According to the Australian Bureau of Statistics in 2014 shows that there is currently a shortfall numbers of doctors, nurses, allied health workers and associated shortfalls numbers of Aboriginal health workers. Without these staff, service cannot be optimally delivered. Current recruitment opportunities are hindered due to higher competitive salaries of state hospital sector and private sector (Best, O., & Stuart, L., 2014). The Federal Government should work to address these inequalities experienced of health care workers and provide equal service models for all these Aboriginal people. The national training plan for Aboriginal healthcare workers through university support units and scholarship program are need to bridge the training gap between the Aboriginal peoples and general populations of Australia. Excellence Training Centres in primary healthcare with link to hospital care in each state and

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