
Health Literacy And Medical Adherence Of The Aging Population

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Health Communication Barriers in Seniors:
Health Literacy and Medical Adherence in the Aging Population
Charrell Gary
GERT 491
Eastern Michigan University


This paper explores several articles; studies, programs and campaigns that report on results conducted both online and offline, in relation to health communication, specifically in minority populations and the aging in America. The paper also introduces subset definitions within health communication itself, and how each piece of that communication is affected by several limitations within the aging and minority populations. From what has been seen in recent trends, health literacy and adherence levels are poorest amongst seniors and minority populations. According to Andrulis and Brach, of the nearly 60 million of American adults with limited health literacy, almost 32 million are Non-White and/or Hispanic (2007, p. S122). The CDC (Centers for Disease and Prevention Control), Healthy People 2020, and offer several recommendations to tackle this issue that not only affects health statuses because of the miscommunication, but drives up health care costs as well. This paper will break down the various components of health communication, address the issues it has for “special populations” in the United States, offer solutions based off of proven methods to increase awareness, point out limitations of studies and programs and a future study. Keywords: health communication, health

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