
Health & Social Care Services Priorities

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There is an increase of chronic diseases and complex medical conditions within our society of health and social care as a result there is a growing need of health and social care services to provide support and high quality care to these service users. To ensure safe and effective care health and social care organisations need to recognise and understand the relationship between this growing disease and how more services are required to offer support and guidance for individuals for example the need for expertise, training, partnership working, funding, and improving individuals living conditions. Health and social care organisations have many key priorities for example maintaining a good level of hygiene and maintaining safety and security, …show more content…

Different members of the multi-disciplinary team work in partnership to be able to provide a higher effective quality of care due to the different levels of expertise each members brings to the health and social care service provision. This expertise means service providers have different skills, and knowledge which are available to offer a safe, effective high quality care for example a service provider might know what service would be the best to provide support and guidance for an individual suffering Alzheimer’s disease. Within health and social care the growing of complex needs results in partnership working between the multi-disciplinary team as they each have their own specialist areas which would ensure further essential information is provided on the growing disease and need for more services. “More people are experiencing ‘complex health needs’ where they will have more than one health problem. This ensures healthcare professionals can manage these needs effectively and progressively through multi-disciplinary action. This means they will require access to a combination of health and social care services”. (Department of Health and The Rt Hon Norman Lamb MP, 2013, accessed 13/04/15) Within my placement if a service provider such as a senior care assistant …show more content…

If service providers are better training this leads to them feeling confident and capable of working with a variety of didn’t service users. Training gives service providers a better understanding, more knowledge and skills which they wouldn’t have possessed before for example cancer is a growing problem within society, “There is an estimated 2.5 million people in the UK today (2015) who have had a cancer diagnosis, this is an increasing figure of almost half a million compared to the past five years.” (Macmillan cancer support, 2015, accessed 14/04/15) This growing disease will need more services to allow individuals to access this means there is a constant need for up to date training for both service providers, service users and families and friends. Key priorities within health and social care such as safety and security and hygiene need training regularly. For example within my placement mandatory training is necessary to provide safe and effective care such as manual handling, fire and safety, first aid, equipment safety, and infection control. Manual handling is a daily task within health and social care however if it isn’t carried out safely this can have serious consequences. Under the Manual Handling Operations Regulations 1992 ensure service providers should avoid poor manual handling

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