
Health Study: Harvard Nurses

Decent Essays

Consider some results that are likely to come from the Harvard Nurses' Health Study over the next 10 to 20 years. What types of results do you think will be most important? Do you think the findings will alter the way you live your life?

The information is extremely well known, for the most part, in the majority of American households. I personally do not smoke, nor consume sugary sodas; however, I cannot speak for other humans. I drink mad water daily, but at times, wine is fine. Over the next 10 to 20 years, as the Harvard studies continues on, I believe people are becoming more concerned about their beings than ever before, but I believe it is due to technology. The method of how information is showcased, advertised, and shared, with tools …show more content…

Well, an experiment in this particular study would be mad tedious, time consuming, and costly. Too many people would be needed in order to collect data of value, too many people stay in the United States. What a huge population we are talking about here, but to answer the question, one can carry out an practical and ethical experiments as long as the APA rules are followed.

The Harvard Nurses' Health Study is subject to participation bias because only 120,000 of the original 370,000 questionnaires were returned. Should the researchers be concerned about this bias? Do you think that dishonesty can affect this type of observational study? Why or why not?

I mean, no because I am sure the Harvard researchers knew beforehand that all 307,000 humans were not going to participate or return their questionnaires in a timely manner. As for as dishonesty goes, then yes, I believe dishonesty will alter the data, but always this sort of things are inevitable, people lie. 120,000 is a lot of humans, so I am sure those people that participated were honest answering the

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