
Healthy People 2020 Goals And Objectives

Decent Essays

Healthy People 2020 Goals and Objectives
The four primary goals of the Department of Health and Human Services in launching the Healthy People 2020 health program includes (1) attaining high-quality and long-life free from diseases, morbidity, injury and early death. (2) Another is to achieve health equality, reduction of disparities and improve overall health conditions of different age group. (3-4) it is also their goal to promote a social and physical environment for good health, wellness, development and healthy behaviors across the life cycle (CDC, 2015).
The CDC identified and set the target population in their “Healthy People 2020” to control such diseases, some of their objectives are as follows: (1) to increase the general …show more content…

Some of the leading health indicators include the reduction of adult smoking, and reduced exposure of children from second-hand smoking, alcohol, and drugs, and adults increase in physical activity (Department of Health, 2014).
Program 1: one successful health project related to HP 2020 is the Franklin Cardiovascular Health Program (FCHP) in the community of Farmington, Maine. The program is a sustainable method to change the behavior and care for the cardiovascular problem; it is implemented to assess the local community. Their target population is the low-income residents of Franklin County in rural Maine; they collected respondents of about 22,444 during 1970 and used this data as a baseline. The intervention is a community-wide project aim to focus on health problems like cholesterol, high-blood, smoking, physical activity, and diet behavior.
There are key components that make the program successful such as the integration of community-based resources, and clinics to support policy formulation, education, and access to people in the community including the willingness of the indigenous people to helped overcome the barriers of workers to communicate to their leaders during interview, screening, education and conducting health services. Most importantly the audit, tracking, and management of identified health problems are collaborated and facilitated carefully that

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