
Healthywomen Site Analysis

Decent Essays

Credibility The HealthWomen site is credible, and they provide original objectives and evidence-based health information. Medical experts review the information for accuracy. The site was named the top 100 women site by Forbswomen. Millions of people use the Internet for health information, therefore, it is important to teach them the skills needed to find information that is trustworthy (Stahl & Spatz, 2003). The information on the site is useful and relevant to the topics. It provides hundreds of health topics with comprehensive resources. HealthyWomen is valued and trusted by consumers, the media, healthcare providers, cooperate partners, and nonprofit organizations. The website is also free of grammatical error. Marcia Mangum Cronin is …show more content…

The content presented on is original. The HealthyWomen editorial staff, medical journalists with experience, and health editors contribute in developing the content. Their work is managed by the Editorial and Web directors. They ensure that the content is current, accurate, comprehensive, easy to read, and appropriate for the audience. The content decision is derived from guidelines established by the federal government, as well as, leading health and wellness organizations. The editorial staff research’s topics and ensures the most appropriate and timely information before presenting it to consumers. provides links to a list of references at the end of each article they used to develop the content on the site. Some of the sources used are from peer-review health journals, federal agencies, academic institutions, or books published by experts or academic medical centers ( HealthyWomen develops partnerships with healthcare professionals and organizations like; Women’s Health Advisory Council, Women’s Center for Advisory Council, Consumer Liaison Council, Corporate Advisory Board and Health Professional Advisory Council by establishing councils and review committees. site is a Level VII hierarchy of evidence. Experienced, certified medical authorities and expert committee reports are used to …show more content…

HealthyWomen get their funding from individual cooperation like Novartis, Boehringer Ingelheim Pharmaceuticals, and Qiagen ( Healthy women ensure that their writers, editors and medical experts sign a non-disclosure and conflict of interest form before working with the organization. The forms are reviewed by the Executive and Editorial Director to ensure bias and conflict free relationships. The Executive and Editorial Director can continue or terminate a relationship with a medical reviewer, writers, or editors at their discretion. HealthyWomen partners with industries such as pharmaceutical companies, consumer product companies, hospitals, media establishments, and healthcare systems to increase awareness of health and wellness issues ( Links The links provided on the site can be accessed easily by just clicking on the link, and it will direct the individual to the site, and some of the information can also be downloaded.

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