E. CONDITIONAL USE - Public Hearing 9. Blake Rice, corner of Veterans Parkway & Academy Drive, C-2, Townhomes- 40 units Mr. Ogren reported the applicant is requesting conditional use approval for a 40-unit condominium townhouse-style development (Eagle Ridge) on a 4.23-acre property. In this C-2 zoning district a maximum of 16 dwelling units per acre are allow; the proposed density is 9.46 dwellings per acre. The development will look like a townhome development with six buildings and each building with six, seven or eight dwelling units attached together. A front and rear yard area is shown for each condominium unit. However, the units will be sold as a condominium. For example, a buyer of a 1,200-square foot two-story condominium …show more content…
A sidewalk is provided in the front yard near the parking spaces that allows access to every condominium unit and access to parking. The minimum off-parking space requirement are met; 80 parking spaces are required, 88 parking spaces provided including four handicap spaces. The buildings meet the minimum setback requirements for the C-2 zoning district. The landscape plan meets minimum requirements. A total of 60 trees and 72 shrubs will be planted; the size of trees and shrubs planted must meet the minimum size requirements as provided in the Landscape Regulation. A single-family residential neighborhood is adjacent to the applicant’s property along the south property line, therefore, a residential buffer is required. Each home has a privacy wooden fence. The single-family home lots are at a higher elevation than the elevation of the townhouse units; the building pad for a condominium building will be lower than the south property line; all or a portion of the condominium units will not be seen from the single-family lots due the elevation change. For the most part, a natural berm is in place along the south property line due to the different elevations. The applicant proposes to improve the berm as necessary and then landscape along south property line. The residential buffer must consist of a 4-foot-wide strip of evergreen trees
Mobile County DHR’s representative revealed that the on August 27, 2015, the FIDM hearing was requested. On August 31, 2015, the balances were provided to the NCP’s attorney. On September 11, 2015, a notice was received from Regions Bank stating there are no funds available. On October 7, 2015, the child support supervisor reviewed the accounts of the hearing. The agency closed the State arrears accounts due to the accounts being more than 20 years old and meeting the statute of limitations. Also on that same date, the State interest account was closed. On November 10, 2015, the case was reviewed for enforcement; payments were being submitted for the NCP's additional cases only. On the same date, the court ordered a payback of $120.00 to Seymour Fleet Inc.; an income withholding order was sent. On November 15, 2015, the spreadsheet was completed beginning with the judgement amounts given during the November 1, 2006 court hearing in the amounts of $16,917.68 in arrears and $18,127.09 in interest both to
“The reasonably probable legal use of vacant land or an improved property that is physically possible, appropriately supported, financially feasible, and that results in the highest value”.
The Landscape Plan indicated a landscape area of 21,189 square feet and 25 shrubs. Per Code, landscape areas greater than 15,000 square feet must have a minimum of 25
I called to Ms Porter, she was concerned about the hearing process, she stated that she spoke with the Hearing Rep, Carlos Castillos and he had told her that he did not find any break in policy or rule, so he is going to request an administrative hearing.
Section 17.84.050 of the Town’s municipal codes states that a conditional use “shall be approved” if the proposal meets the
The elections commissions voted on Tuesday morning against the violations filed against Student Government Association presidential candidate Christopher Clemente and vice presidential candidate Rachel Altfield.
The Hearing Officer reviewed the information presented and heard testimony at the hearing. The Hearing Officer finds that the decision made by the Pascagoula Regional Office to deny Medicaid benefits should be upheld because your monthly household income exceeds the maximum amount of $1,378, allowed in order to qualify for assistance. As a result, you are ineligible for Medicaid coverage through the Medicare Cost-Sharing program.
Please note, we are still receiving records from Ms. Twing’s various providers and she is scheduled to undergo a neuropsych evaluation on 1/4/17. Her attorney agreed that due to the additional testing and outstanding requests for records that additional time is needed. As a result, we jointly dismissed the Formal Hearing and I have re-filed an application for a new Formal Hearing to reset our deadlines. I expect to receive a new Formal Hearing date within 30 days. I also expect the new date will be in either late March or early April of next year.
Perez (1994) unraveled this sentiment of the police officers against civilian review boards. In his survey of police officers in six jurisdictions, he found that sixty four percent of police officers believed that police officers should investigate complaints. As to the preferred composition of hearing boards, thirty seven percent of responding officers believed that only police officers should be part of the hearing board. Majority (sixty three percent) of the officers favored a combination of civilians and police officers as hearing board members. It would appear, therefore, that for police officers to consider the board as competent, membership has to include individuals who have law enforcement background (Lenzi, 1974).
In order to gain a better understanding of the difficulties faced by people with hearing loss I wore ear plugs for an entire day in a variety of settings. The hearing loss simulation made relatively simple parts of my day much more difficult and really showed how much hearing loss can impact daily life. As discussed in class the shift from being “able-bodied to disabled”, was quite difficult to cope with.
The condition Colin is likely to be suffering from is Presbycusis. Presbycusis is an age-related hearing loss, it is a hearing disorder that can be caused by a variety of different factors. It is usually a sensorineural hearing disorder but can be a conductive hearing loss. A conductive hearing loss is when it is caused by problems with the ear canal, ear drum, middle ear and the malleus, uncus and stapes this can result in reduced function of the tympanic membrane or reduced function of auditory ossicles. Most commonly it is as a result of changes within the inner ear, middle ear or the nerve pathways to the brain. The cochlea is lined with tiny hair cells; these hairs convert sound vibrations into electrical signals which are received at the brain by a nerve. These cells can become damaged over time this means electrical signals cannot be transmitted as effectively so hearing becomes affected. Long-term exposure to loud noises such as that from traffic and loud equipment which Colin would have been exposed to working as a mechanic can also be a cause of
Kontorinins (2009) wrote that nonorganic hearing loss children display a certain demeanor during the testing procedure, they exaggerate their movements to highlight increased difficulty in hearing. Holenweg and Kompis (2010) state that children who are diagnosed with NOHL typically have some knowledge of hearing loss, like a close family member has hearing loss, therefore it is a good idea to check family history sections of the case histories. Another reason case history is crucial is because Schmidt, Zehnhoff-Dinnesen, Matulat, Knief, Rosslau and Deuster (2013) found that learning disabilities are one of the most common characteristics in children with nonorganic hearing loss. They also found that in cases where nonorganic hearing loss is present, there is also history of intellectual impairments, low IQ scores, speech and language disorders, school problems and problems in the household, these are all considered characteristics of NOHL children (Schmidt et al., 2013).
Maintains constant oversight through the entire hearing process, which includes but is not limited to: coordination with different offices; pre-hearing and post-hearing processing; interviewing appellants and witnesses; providing technical equipment guidance and support to the Veterans' Law Judges and VA Regional Office personnel during the hearing; monitoring the recorded media of the hearing proceeding to include ensuring its proper recording, quality and preparation for transcribing by VA contracted entities.
Other amendments to the SAP were approved by the Zoning Ordinance of City of Miami, after the developer purchased adjacent properties that were
Hearing loss is the most common physical disability in the whole wide world. In the United States alone, about 28 million people have some level of hearing impairment that interferes with their ability to understand normal speech and participate in conversations. Another 2 million cannot hear at all.