
Hearing Case Study

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E. CONDITIONAL USE - Public Hearing 9. Blake Rice, corner of Veterans Parkway & Academy Drive, C-2, Townhomes- 40 units Mr. Ogren reported the applicant is requesting conditional use approval for a 40-unit condominium townhouse-style development (Eagle Ridge) on a 4.23-acre property. In this C-2 zoning district a maximum of 16 dwelling units per acre are allow; the proposed density is 9.46 dwellings per acre. The development will look like a townhome development with six buildings and each building with six, seven or eight dwelling units attached together. A front and rear yard area is shown for each condominium unit. However, the units will be sold as a condominium. For example, a buyer of a 1,200-square foot two-story condominium …show more content…

A sidewalk is provided in the front yard near the parking spaces that allows access to every condominium unit and access to parking. The minimum off-parking space requirement are met; 80 parking spaces are required, 88 parking spaces provided including four handicap spaces. The buildings meet the minimum setback requirements for the C-2 zoning district. The landscape plan meets minimum requirements. A total of 60 trees and 72 shrubs will be planted; the size of trees and shrubs planted must meet the minimum size requirements as provided in the Landscape Regulation. A single-family residential neighborhood is adjacent to the applicant’s property along the south property line, therefore, a residential buffer is required. Each home has a privacy wooden fence. The single-family home lots are at a higher elevation than the elevation of the townhouse units; the building pad for a condominium building will be lower than the south property line; all or a portion of the condominium units will not be seen from the single-family lots due the elevation change. For the most part, a natural berm is in place along the south property line due to the different elevations. The applicant proposes to improve the berm as necessary and then landscape along south property line. The residential buffer must consist of a 4-foot-wide strip of evergreen trees

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