
Heart Of Darkness Research Paper

Decent Essays

Throughout literature, there are journeys that characters must take to progress from being naive to withhold great wisdom. However, in Heart of Darkness by Joseph Conrad, the characters progressed from civilized men to inhumane animals. The novel explains the journey of a sailor from London to the heart of Africa to began colonizing. As that people refuse to acknowledge the truth of humanity because “civilized” men unravel their sanity and unites with their insidious self. The act of removing the uncolonized village’s traditions and practices to place their own is absurd. The “civilized” europeans claim that the African Americans are “savages” while the Europeans are killing for ivory and contaminating them with diseases. Joseph Conrad writes, …show more content…

Marlow explains to the sailor on the Nellie of how the men slowly become animals and inhumane. Marlow states, “Long afterwards the news came that the donkeys were dead. I know nothing as to the fate of the lesser animals” (p.94). Marlow believes that the men are inhumane to the point they are “less valuable animals”. Joseph Conrad wrote this novel to reveal the truth of humanity. Marlow tells the sailors, “ I pulled the string of the whistle… I saw the pilgrims… getting out their rifles… anticipating a jolly lark”(p.141). The pilgrims began as men who seek money to cold blooded murderers. The jungle began to change the men mentally and spiritually. An example of this is Kurtz. Kurtz began realizing that the sanity of man is lurid and hapless against the hands of the jungle. Kurtz began enjoying the power he had on the natives. The power corrupted as Kurtz and his greed for ivory led to the darkness overcoming Kurtz at a steady rate. The darkness controls the sanity of men at the moment of no …show more content…

Marlow recalls, “ … Fresleven was the gentlest, quietest creature that ever walked on two legs… he whacked the old nigger mercilessly…”(p.61). This reveals how each person is full of darkness and evil. The manager, Kurtz, reveals this idea through an painting of a woman. Marlow recalls, “ Then I noticed a small sketch of oils… a woman, draped and blindfolded, carrying a lighted torch… background was sombre… face was sinister…”(p.83). This painting shows how the “civilized” men are lighting the way for the natives to see civilization. However, man is blinded by the fact that the natives are civilized; however, man is not. Civility versus the appearance of civility progresses as the journey reaches its

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