
Helena Maria Viramontes The Moths

Decent Essays

A trickiest aspect regarding growing up is considering death. It's something individuals truly don't like to think about, but thinking about mortality is pretty much an inevitable part of coming of age. Everybody does it at some point—you know because we're all going to die someday, as are our loved ones. You know the drill: Our grandma show us, cherish, then they get super old and die, and after that we slither into the bathtub with their corpses. It's just the circle of life. What's that? You've never taken a bath with a dead person? Well then you might be a little surprised by how things unfurl in Helena Maria Viramontes' 1985 short story "The Moths," a story about a youthful Latina girl who feels at odds with pretty much everybody in her family except her cherished Abuelita.
The story is part of a short story collection, The Moths and Other Stories, that centers around ladies' lives. This story, in particular, focuses on the moment when the main character, whose name we never know, transforms from a rebellious kid into a responsible adult (deathbeds will do that to a person). So if bathing with dead individuals isn't your thing, stress not—"The Moths" is truly about …show more content…

She says she was not beautiful or decent and she had enormous hands. A major factor in her transitioning was her Grandma. At the point when her abuelita helps shape her hands, I trust that it is a representation for how she shaped her into a lady. “Abuelita made a balm out of dried moth wings and Vicks and rubbed my hands, shaping them back to size.” The passing of her abuelita was her transitioning minute. “Endings are inevitable, they are necessary for rebirths.” (31) As she notices scars on her abuelita's back she realizes how little she really knew. At last, it illustrates the significance of the mother and grandma in a Latinas' transitioning. “For the first time in a long time I cried, rocking us, crying for her, for me, and for Ama’.” (Viramontes

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