
Hepatitis a Research Paper

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Hepatitis A
Josue Romero
Mrs. Algaze
Miami Lakes Educational Center

Hepatitis A is a liver disease caused by the Hepatitis A virus. It may cause fever, malaise, anorexia, nausea, and abdominal discomfort, followed within a few days by jaundice the disease ranges in clinical severity from a mild illness lasting 1–2 weeks to a severely disabling disease lasting several months. Good personal hygiene and proper sanitation can help prevent Hepatitis A. Transmission may occur by direct person-to-person contact; or from contaminated water, ice, or shellfish from contaminated water; or from fruits, vegetables, or other foods that are eaten uncooked, but which may become contaminated during handling. Hepatitis A can affect anyone …show more content…

The symptoms start appearing after two to five weeks of infection. The main symptoms are nausea, vomiting, diarrhea, low fever, rashes, loss of appetite and yellowing of skin (jaundice), abdominal pain. Diarrhea occurs in case of children. No specific treatment is there. Patients need adequate rest and proper nutrition. If skin becomes yellow then the patient needs a blood test or a liver panel test. If a person vomits for a long period amount of time, they get dehydrated; then, only then, hospitalization is needed. Patients should drink a plenty amount of water, or fluids. He or she should take food, which does not cause any harm to the liver. Patients should avoid tea, coffee or any alcoholic beverages, which causes harm to liver. He or she takes adequate rest. He should not take any medicine which causes harm to liver. If patient is confused about taking medicine then he or she should consult a doctor. Techniques for growing HAV in cell culture have made it possible to generate sufficient amounts of virus for vaccine production. Several inactivated or live attenuated vaccines against hepatitis A have been developed, but only four inactivated hepatitis A vaccines are currently available internationally. All four vaccines are similar in terms of efficacy and side-effect profile. The vaccines are given parenterally, as a two-dose series, 6-18 months apart. The dose of vaccine,

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