
Herbert Spencer And Imperialism

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Herbert Spencer was one of the lead role models and inspirations in the creation of Darwinism. Born April 27th 1820, Spencer spent his childhood living in Derby, Great Britain. His infantile life was depressing, growing up with his uncles who tortured him behind the curtains for 7 years straight. Despite this, the leader philosopher went on to develop ideas and challenged the ideology behind imperialism. Being the creator of the phrase, “survival of the fittest” Herbert weaved his way into Darwin’s work being credited for everything. This increased his fame and popularity receiving many followers of his theories. Spencer criticized man theories and tactics used by the government putting holt to imperialism. Herbert Spencer was never a fan of the poor as he wrote multiple scripts explaining. While working with Karl Marx in this area at the time, they found that the reason for the underprivileged being poor was due to the consequences of not having the right skillset or abilities to make the money others were earning. Spencer put this as a quote which became famous later on, “Survival of the fittest”. The first thing that was inaccurate about this statement was the fact that Spencer was referring to what was taking place rather than paying no attention to the causes of the issue. It was obvious that the two were not successful in the area receiving multiple discrepancies. He went on to say “If they are sufficiently complete to live, they do live, and it is well they should

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