
Hero Essay : What Makes A Hero A Hero?

Decent Essays

What Makes a Hero a Hero? As I have recently sat down with my grandmother, Mary, I asked her questions about a hero and herself being a hero. My grandmother has such an impact on me in daily life along with being a personal hero to me. She is such an inspiration to me in so many ways that I could never think of taking for granted. I chose my grandmother as my hero because of obstacles I have faced, she was the one to show me the love and support I was in need of at the time.
Mary shows the characteristics of being loving, caring, supportive, having open arms along with many others, why? She shows theses traits because it is the right thing to do at all times no matter what or how others treat you. Always, always, always treat …show more content…

After realizing what I had done, I felt horrible. Knowing that half of my family and friends wanted nothing to do with me after all of the horrible things I thought that she was there with them too. Hearing that she was completely down to talk to me gave me butterflies. I thought that I had lost my greatest inspiration in my life. As conversation between us continued, I realized that I could trust her, that she was and always will be here for me. I saw how much she truly cared for and loved me.
At first I was completely nervous about the interview because I was not sure if she would agree to talk or just to even meet up. I had to talk myself up to do this not only for my grades but also for a shot at better communications. As time got closer to meet up with Mary, my nerves were all over the place. Not only did I have to tell myself to keep calm but to also think positive. This was a plus for me but also my grandmother. During the interview there was times that I could tell that she was standoffish on answers because she was uncertain about her standings with me. I was the same way on asking her some of the questions just because our bond was not like it used to be, we were on different terms. I did not want to step over into personal territory and neither did she. As the questions were coming to an end, I could truly see how my grandmother felt. I saw in her eyes that she was truly sorry for standing with the rest of the family on the

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