Your friends warned you about Hibari. His lips landed roughly on yours, stealing the air from your lungs and leaving your mind empty, devoid of all thoughts except one. Your hands tangled in his thick hair, tugging as you felt your body burn with sudden heat. His teeth nipped roughly at your neck before his lips lavished it with attention, making your body demand his. You could feel his smirk against your skin and you sighed in sweet resignation. You hadn't seen him in three days and it looked like he had missed you as much as you had missed him. They'd told you to stay away from him. The tea kettle began to boil in the background and your ears were quick to drown it out as Hibari grabbed your thighs and hiked them up around his hips. You pulled away from his lips and took a breath of fresh air, your nails raking down his back as he pulled you impossibly close. His dark eyes bored into yours for a brief second and you were suddenly subjected to the torrid emotions swimming in them. He'd eat you alive. …show more content…
Your blood was turning into magma and your skin was flushed with excitement. Your limbs sang as he ran his hands up to your waist, letting his hips grind into yours the slightest bit, effectively stealing a moan from your throat. Hibari knocked everything off the table and placed you upon it, your hands already fumbling with his shirt only to be stopped. His steely eyes were filled with power and you found yourself trembling with the sheer force of his gaze as he took control. You were lost as your clothing fell to the ground, there was nothing you could do but stare at your lover and watch as the world slowly disappeared, leaving nothing but him and the fire that consumed your
The cool night air played over her body as she leaned back, the moonlight causing her skin to glow. And Alduin lips trailed down her heated frame, leaving a trail of goosebumps down to lush breasts. She sucked in a breath as he bit down on the tender flesh as she practically purred with pleasure. The tension melting from her body as he took her hardening nipple into his mouth. Her hands gripping his shoulder as a shutter rushed through her
His kiss finds freedom, his reservations are slashed at the throat, and his morals buried. I know now that he’s always wanted me. This kiss tells me so. In the way he lets it all unleash. In the way he holds me tight to him, as if he’s afraid I might slip through his fingers. In the way his heart pounds against my bosom. He’s been starved for me. All this time.
She moved to face me, her nose only inches from my own. I could feel her jagged breath brushing against the flesh of my face. I wanted nothing more than to stay forever. Don't get overly attatched. It was too late for that. Her hands push gently against my cheeks, all warm and soft. Butterflies erupt in the pits of my stomach in
He was still sleeping, curled up in a ball with dark hair covering his face. Placing the platter down on the nightstand, you tucked a large chunk of hair behind his ear and placed soft kisses along his jaw as a wake up call. He hummed in response, opening his eyes and turning his head towards you. A lazy smile was plastered across his face as you pressed his lips to his, admiring his warmth. "What is that delicious smell?" His voice was deeper and raspier than usual- you loved his morning voice.
As Karl and Hildy start to fall asleep the sound of gunfire erupts from above them.
You pin the tag to your black sweater, it's labeled with the number 357. Around you are many other, mostly older males. Your older brother, Illumi informed you that Killua, your beloved younger brother, ran away from home and will be taking the Hunter exam this year.
A few months later, you heard him crying in his room in the dead of night. You knew he had nightmares, but you had never heard him cry before. Silently, you tiptoed in, sneaking passed the door to keep it from creaking and crawled under the sheets with him. Your arms wrapped around his shoulders, holding his back to your chest and rested your cheek on his messy head of hair. He woke up in torment, thinking he might still be trapped in the maze, but you held him as he jerked forward in fear. It took a few seconds for him to realize where he was, and who was holding him, their hushed whispers falling into his reality.
“I’m not joking Makoto. I really heard a voice,” Haruka explained for the hundredth time. Makoto slumped in defeat, shooting Haruka a disbelieving glance as he filed through the party plans as Haruka dried his hair after Makoto had dragged him out of the bath.
A watery smile crossed his lips as his brother spoke, his words so soft and warm. They overflowed with love and kindness, the sort of thing that he needed right now. The sort of thing that soothed his nerves and set him more at ease. The way Amaimon spoke made it clear how he felt and hid nothing from the time King, they were genuine and sweet, sending a wave of calm over him. "Thank you..." He whispered quietly, resting his forehead on the younger demon 's own "thank you for still feeling these ways," he was beyond grateful for that. He was not sure what he would do if Amaimon ever stopped viewing him so highly. If the earth King ever stopped thinking he was kind, ever stopped seeing him as handsome, or as gentle, or smart, Well...he wasn 't too sure...but it wouldn 't be good. Surely if it happened their relationship would unravel. Mephisto was worried as he leaned forward, kissing Amaimon gently, because it was clear to him that they were both apprehensive. His fears though we 're not alliviated as their lips met, if anything they only worsened. The earth King lay passive as he kissed, not kissing back, simply letting the older demon move. It was disappointing, in all honestly, but he couldn 't get mad. He wanted Amaimon to press against him, to wrap his arms around him, to slip his tongue
She shivered in his embrace, one hand coming up to cup his neck as she allowed her lips to roam his heated skin. Her other hand ran along one of the arms wrapped around her lythe frame. As if the sensuality of touch had become to much to resist. Despite the fact that she was just beginning to truly understand that.
He was one of your sibling's friends, her cousins was close to his family, he's Karkat's best friend for fucksakes all shouldn't be doing this and you are curled against him. This is how you two spend your alone together, sneaking about to fuck each other and daresay make love every now and then. Biting on you lower lip hair you glace on at the pale man besides you examining him. Shaggy dark brown hair reaching his shoulders, a long pale neck covered in hickeys. You eyes travel to his naked chest and you couldn't help biting your lip harder. He wasn't the strong but he did have a strong chest and nice arms. Looking at his arms you gently stroked one of the tattoos before you looked up at his face. His oh so handsome face, heh, he
Pointed teeth brushed against a kiss-swollen bottom lip, a small gasp, almost inaudible, drifted from parted lips. A whimper soon followed as the teeth sunk into his lip, just enough pain to remind him that this is real. Callused hands tugged at the hem of the shorter's shirt before pushing it up one centimeter at a time, tracing intricate patterns along the taut skin. Pants escaped pink lips as warm metal brushed along his neck. Black hair ruffled fluidly when it's owner tilted his head back, silently pleading for more.
I cradled his head in my hands as he kissed and kissed, burning me. I can't believe that Joyce is content with only weekly visits, if it were me, I don't think
It all happens so fast – one minute I’m falling, the next I’m in his arms, and he’s hold- ing me tightly against his chest. .I inhale his clean, vital scent. He smells of fresh laundered linen and some expensive body-wash. Oh my, it’s intoxicating. I inhale
I want to remember how I hugged his forearm, like holding his hand just wasn’t enough. How your arm hung so gracefully on my shoulder and mine slinked shyly around your waist. how we felt formidable walking down the street like that together. Formidable. There is no other word. It felt like that was all we did, take on city blocks one at a time like they were ours to take. You with your redeye and cigarettes, me with my cappuccino. How on that last day, I untangled myself from you and, oh, I was so worried. I asked you if you would call me, would we still talk?” my voice got tiny and blubbery and of course you said, of course, and you held the back of my neck the way only a man you’re in love with can do the right way- a way that sends shivers up your spine and blankets you in a wave of security at the same time.