
High Expectations And Appropriate Accountability

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should be held to high expectations and appropriate accountability, even in a traditional school setting. At the same time structured teaching and special education coaching does not benefit all ASD students. Some ASD students will receive positive grains from an inclusion curriculum while others will not. Students with ASD needs will benefit from collaborative efforts by school staff, parents and specialized paraprofessionals (Cox & Shopler, 1991). Equally important are the critical elements of structure within a classroom. All components of the student’s environment and educational program should be tailored to meet the particular needs of each student. Students with autism face organizational challenges and difficulties with general …show more content…

A traditional class schedule allows teachers to work with both regular and mainstreamed students as an entire classroom group. Teachers can then accommodate special needs students by implementing specific instructional accommodations that permit special needs students to be as successful as non-special needs students. Scheduling and Effective Teaching Approaches for ASD Students Another essential component of all-encompassing scheduling is the working of a specific sequencing agenda. Individualized scheduling is a powerful method for maintaining student motivation. Students are able to engage in a preferred activity, which is contingent upon their completion of a less desired task. Effective teaching approaches incorporate clear, concise directives and prompts in order to allow special needs students to maintain attentiveness when receiving directions or following through with a specified task. Knowing where to obtain necessary materials and understanding how to request assistance when necessary remain a priority for the student. Individual attention is important when selecting and prioritizing behaviors to address and modify. Symptomatic behaviors associated with autism should be targeted only after the most fundamental tasks are completed. For students with autism and PDD, the focus should rest on the signs of delayed or maladaptive behavior and skill deficits rather than the consequences of an unsuitable behavior

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