
High Fructose Corn Syrup : Obesity, Diabetes, And Non Alcoholic Fatty Liver Disease

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Health concerns have been raised about high fructose corn syrup, which allege contribution to obesity, cardiovascular disease, diabetes, and non-alcoholic fatty liver disease. Critics of the extensive use of HFCS in food sweetening argue that the highly processed substance is more harmful to humans than regular sugar, contributing to weight gain by affecting normal appetite functions and that in some foods HFCS may be a source of mercury a known neurotoxin. Yeah, a NEUROTOXIN!

And they are hiding it even better than before. You will now find HFCS in these products:

Baked goods Spaghetti Sauce Mac N Cheese Frozen Pizza Canned fruits Dairy products….. Yep! Carbonated drinks And most sweetened beverages in the market today! Alias names for HFCS have been used to try to trick you into thinking what you 're eating isn 't really so bad for you. "Corn Sugar" has commonly been used to sneak HFCS into food.

From USA Today:

"A coalition of groups sent a letter to the Food and Drug Administration Tuesday opposing a proposal by manufacturers to call high-fructose corn syrup "corn sugar" instead. The coalition says consumers are against the name change by 100-to-1."

Animal studies indicate that HFCS contributes to obesity, increased body fat, and higher triglyceride levels.A peer-reviewed study (to read the study, see In the News section) published in Clinical Epigenetics in 2012 set out to find out why the autism rates were so different for the US and Italy. After comparing a

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