High school robotics is something that does not get enough attention. Although many people don’t think of robotics as a sport, I think it is one of the most important sports in high school. Robotics teams are the best way to get students interested in STEM careers, which are some of the most in-demand careers today. Near the end of my sophomore year and beginning of my junior year, I helped start a robotics team at my high school. Being on this team has greatly improved my attitude, ability to work on a team, and people skills.
As a first-year team at a small school, we didn’t have any tools or experience. We contacted other teams in our area, and the team at Carman-Ainsworth High School let us build at their workshop. They mentored us and
I was at the time on a robotics team which competed in the First Tech Challenge or FTC in short. I this particular year the competition's theme was bowled over. When I was at the shop I felt that I had the strength and efficiency of ten men. When I was part of the team I learned a countless number of skills such as using heavy machinery and programming in C. I loved using power tools in order to shape materials in any way that I wanted to. Every time that I accomplished a mission or goal Robots inspired me to push myself to the limits when I was
Being raised in a very STEM-centric family, I began to realize the importance of STEM at an early age from spending time with my parents during school breaks. My mother is a professor of electrical engineering at Georgia Tech and my father is a civil engineer who works for Georgia Power. I played around with Scratch and small robots when I was very young, spending a lot of time at Georgia Tech. What we, humans, can create fascinates me. I
We held a camp for the Jr. Titans that ran in July. I loved seeing how happy these kids are learning and playing a new sport. They were all so eager to learn and play, even if they were not able to do the thing they were learning. This not only brought the Jr. Titans together but it
A challenging new opportunity presented itself as Pat became the STEM instructor for Davidson County’s newest, most innovative middle school, Oak Grove. While she Incorporated her passion for driving students to reach their maximum potential she became a leader in the teaching community as the EXCEL (encourage, excellence, character, enthusiasm and leadership) sponsor for our PBIS team, a sponsor for the Robotics Team, and promoted numerous fundraisers throughout the entire school year for the general purpose of extending educational opportunities for all the students at Oak
On my visit to the Dunwoody campus, I could not wait to look around. I've been attending the Math and Science Academy for seven years. Even before my sixth grade year, I have always enjoyed constructing things, playing with building blocks, and making little robots. On the night of my sixth grade orientation, I visited my school to be and was surprised when I walked in the front door. I was greeted by an eight foot tall robot made by high school students. They were part of the program called For Inspiration and Recognition of Science and Technology (FIRST). I
Robotics is more to me than just something nice to have on your transcripts or something to do in your free time. Robotics has changed my entire life, if it was not for this program my life could have been going in a completely opposite direction. Now i can say I am going to college to pursue a major in mechanical engineering and plan to strive for success, not get a C and be done but to get an
An aspect of the For Inspiration and Recognition of Science and Technology (FIRST) organization, is that the teams must contribute to their community. The team has spread FIRST to all of the major middle schools and afterschool programs in the district. This wide range of service has allowed me to help the children in the community and the students on the Choctaw High School Robotics Team. I have been capable of teaching the students new ways of building their robots and helping them through their programs. FIRST embodies the vision of community rather than just competing with robots. The organization wants us to spread Science, Technology, Engineering and Mathematics (STEM) to anyone who wants to listen, and robotics has allowed me to help as well.
Through the Naval Academy’s elite engineering degree program along with my interest in drones and Robotics Engineering, I feel I will advance my skills to my best ability in these fields. Furthermore, the leadership program of the Naval Academy
I've been interested in technological things for as long as I can remember. Not things like the new iPhone or The Apple Watch, but things like coding and programming. It's crazy how you can type in a seemingly meaningless jumbles of letters and symbols and what comes out is something beautiful. During the summer of 7th grade, I took a robotics class, and we went to visit the Cedar Falls High School's First Robotics club, and see the facility that they worked in. I was the only girl that took the class, and I think I was the most intrigued with the inner workings of the club and everything that went into building that robot. Ever since that day, I've always dreamed of being the girl outsmarting all the boys on my robotics team, showing my intelligence
My acceptance into the STEM (Science, Technology, Engineering, and Mathematics) program became one of my greatest experiences at North County High School. Throughout my STEM classes, I had learned to think more critically and creatively. STEM required us to collaborate to solve problems. This collaboration taught me proper communication and strong leadership skills which I utilized effectively during summer bridge projects and the community challenge projects that we did each year. One of the most significant community challenge projects that I did with a partner was design and print, using a 3-D printer provided from my school to create a cookie cutting prototype that helped modernize the production of cookies for a local bakery owner. Through
I was too young to compete, and by the time I was old enough, my family had relocated to Georgia. Although my opportunity was stifled, my passion for STEM was not. While in middle school, I seized the chance to apply to a STEM magnet school and was accepted. Today I am grateful for my experience as I’ve taken advanced math and science courses that will prepare me for college. I also was Vice President of my school’s Science Club and member of the Science Olympiad Team. I learned about community opportunities and different applications of science through these extracurriculars. Through Science Club, I led and performed experiments for elementary and Special Education students interested in STEM at outreach events and science fairs. In Science Olympiad, I participated in Technical Problem Solving and Compound Machines events. These events gave me a glimpse at mechanical engineering as I built devices with my partner, and how to think creatively and logically, which are key in the science
I want to provide my students with the opportunity to be apart of something greater, a team.
our team had built for a demonstration were lost by a coordinator, and we had to rebuild them all
STEM is a subject that has always fascinated me and that’s why I love it. Everything about it never ceases to amaze me. When I went to the Science and Engineering festival I saw so many exhibits that had cool things like a robot that could navigate itself through a maze because of its AI and all of its
Imagine if you would not need to help Mom and Dad, carrying stuff for them or cleaning up after them! You can have a robot help you with your daily activities such as cleaning your room, washing your car, and even wiping for you once you are done using the bathroom. A robot is a machine designed to complete or carry out multiple tasks when programmed to do so. Robots play a huge role in discovery, such as Mars Curiosity Rover, that is used to observe Mar’s surface and environment. We have used Robots to study the moons surface to see what it is like and to learn more about space. We use robots today in military by using them to disarm bombs and find enemy locations. Robots will have a positive impact on our future, because robots will help us to discover more in the ocean and space, help us save lives, and aid in the military.