
Hindhism And Buddhism Similarities

Decent Essays

Buddhism and Hinduism are two of the most popular religions throughout Asia. Hinduism is a polytheistic religion, meaning the worship of several deities. It is the worship of four deities: Lakshmi, Vishnu, Brahma, and Shiva. Originating in India, Hinduism has become widespread across Asia, but it remains the most common religion among the people of India. Similarly, Buddhism also originated in India. It has become widespread throughout the Asian continent and currently plays a significant role in the social, cultural, and spiritual life. Buddhism is a non-theistic religion or the belief of not worshipping a god. Although both are similar, Hinduism and Buddhism also have distinct places of worship, beliefs, and rituals. Buddha temples vary …show more content…

This shrine is used to perform rituals. On the contrary, a Hindu place of worship is dedicated to a deity instead of a representative of the five elements. The Hindu place of worship is known as a Mandir. The Mandir contains a shrine, a garbhargriha, with a statue of the deity. The garbhargriha is the central shrine of the temple and it represents the heart of those who worship. This shrine is beneath a towering roof known as a sikhara which represents the flight of a spirit to heaven. Similar to Buddhism, Hindu worship can also be performed at home with a shrine of their own. A typical Hindu shrine, similar to a Buddha shrine, contains a statue or a picture of a deity. However, the shrine will also contain items that represent the five senses and offerings to the deity. Buddhism is a non-theistic religion, meaning those who practice it do not worship a god. Instead, Buddhists believe in following the advice of the Buddha, born Siddhartha Gautama. The Buddha’s teachings are considered the core of Buddhism. One of the most significant teachings is The Four Noble Truths. The First Noble Truth is the truth of suffering or Dukkha. There are obvious signs of suffering, but the Buddha believed that suffering has much more depth. Instead, the truth of suffering is when one is not suffering from outside causes, they are still unsatisfied. “Human beings are subject to desires and cravings, but even when we are

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