
Hinduism: The Multiple Forms Of Hinduism

Satisfactory Essays

Andrew McCallum
PHL 120

Most Hindus believe in God but what this means varies in different traditions. The Sanskrit words Bhagavan and Ishvara mean 'Lord' or 'God' and implies an absolute reality who, in essence, controls destroys the universe over and over again. Most Hindus believe in a Supreme God, whose qualities and forms are represented by the multiple forms he has. God, being unlimited, can have unlimited forms and expressions, but the belief in one superior being makes this religion monotheistic.
Hinduism has given much freedom to its people in their worship. Hinduism says God has as many forms as there are trees, animals, etc. In fact, all of creation and everything in it is a part of God, so it seems to be polytheistic …show more content…

In both of these religions, there is said to be one Supreme God, followed by other Gods, which are thought to be parts of their Supreme God.
In a sense, Hinduism’s many gods can be explained as any material on or resource we have on earth. For example, if there is a tree, it can be a tree, a piece of paper, or countless other objects, but these many different “forms” will always come from the same starting resources. Trees. Very similar, Hinduism has many different gods, which take many different forms for their worship. The main thought that makes an argument for Hinduism being monotheistic is that all of these different forms still come from the same God and are all representations of their one Supreme Ruler.
As we move towards a new planetary age, we must accept this diversity of all life, which is of both Spirit and Nature. A background unity is certainly there but it exists above and beyond all divisions of name and form, not as one point of view against another. Not only Hindus but many traditional people and ancient cultures seem to be better aware of that background but many-sided unity than what we would call organized religion. We all share a common humanity and spirituality that we should honor, but we must also honor freedom and diversity in developing

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