His Girl Friday is one of the prominent "screwball comedies" there is today. Some of the characteristics of this comedic film have been lost, while others are still shown in today's films. Some of theses characteristics still shown are, the contrast between the rich and the middle class in romantic comedies. This shown when Walter makes a proposition to Bruce about getting an insurance plan. When Bruce draws up and finishes the insurance plan, Walter gives him a big check. This shows that Walter is rich, and that Bruce is middle class, so that is why he accepted the proposition. Another characteristic shown in the film commonly seen today is battle of the sexes. Where the female is self confident and stubborn in her ways.
His Girl Friday
This week as we watch O Brother, Where Art Thou? and The Piano, we are given two
“A redcoat soldier raised his musket, leveled it at Father, and fired” (Fast 100). April Morning is written by Howard Fast and takes place on April 17th, 1775 at the start of the revolutionary war in Lexington, Massachusetts. Moses Cooper is a major character and also the antagonist to Adam because he and Adam are always fighting and Moses doesn’t let Adam grow up. Although Moses was hard to understand, he was an affectionate, opinionated and respected man.
In the movie Girl, Interrupted the plot surrounds a period in the life of Susanna Kaysen played by Winona Ryder who was institutionalized at the Claymore mental hospital in the 1960s. In the movie, the main character Susanna is diagnosed with Borderline Personality Disorder and undergoes treatment to which at the end of the movie she is released. It is at this hospital that Susanna encounters many other patients of which she shares many experiences with. One of these patients was the longtime resident and popular amongst all the other patients Lisa Rowe played by Angelina Jolie whom Susanna became close with and would mid-movie escape the hospital with to only return on her own and find that Lisa would be back a few days later. Lisa, while being the protagonist of the movie, was very charismatic in her own way and based on her behavior and revelation in the movie is diagnosed with antisocial personality disorder, particularly a sociopath in the movie.
Friday nights are made for sitting in the stands and cheering on the football team. However, when I sit in the stands I keep seeing this same kid being favored by the coach. Now how is that fair to the rest of the players.
Lars and the real girl is a 2007 movie that follows the story of an extremely shy man, Lars, and his inadequate skills to socialise or even make friends. As Lars had poor social skills, his brother (Gus) and his sister-in-law (Karin) worrys terribly that he would be lonely forever, until one day, they are overwhelmed with the news that Lars has indeed met someone over the internet. They soon realise that Lars’ new girlfriend is infact a life-sized doll, whom he communicates with, fights with, and takes out to public places. Thankfully, a psychologist named Patricia Clarke guides Lars and his family through the delusions, enabling a new life within the community for Lars and his ‘real’ doll. As a young boy, Lars suffered with the loss
“Free will and determinism are like a game of cards. The hand that is dealt is determinism. The way you play your hand is free will.” (Norman Cousins) “The Lost Boyz” by Justin Rollins, is a remarkable, personal recount of the author’s dejected youth as well as a deep, raw and vivid insight into the ways and consequences of a broken youths’ mind (Rollins, 2011). Throughout his book, Rollins depicts the divergent factors responsible for his descend into the criminal lifestyle, ultimately attributing them to two key criminological theories; classicism and positivism (Newburn, 2017). Classicist criminology, or the classical approach to criminal behaviour is centred around the idea of free will and rational thinking, defining the criminal
The T.V show " Girlfriends" is very eye catching for young women between the ages of 16-35. It deals with girl related issues, for example: what am i going to wear on my first date, or do i look fat? These are some of the topics friends talk about. The show is based on four African American women who have been friends since early childhood, it takes place now in the present. The girls are in there mid-20's-early 30's. The characters names are Jone, Tony, Mya, and Lin. Some of the topics which they talk about include marrige, finnancial problems, legal issues, children, and fashion. Jone is a highly known attourney, Mya is Jone's secretary, Tony is a real estate agent, and Lin is a free soul.
Girl, Interrupted (1999) directed by James Mangold is largely based on a semi- autobiographical book by the same title. The movie chronicles eighteen year old Susanna Kaysen’s experiences surrounding her stay at a mental institution. It is 1967, a time of social change and unrest. Susanna makes a half-heart attempt at suicide, ingesting a bottle of aspirin and chasing the pills with a bottle of vodka. She is taken to the emergency room, her stomach is pumped and she survives. Afterwards she meets with a psychologist who explores her more recent feelings and experiences. The psychologist concludes, with her parents assent, that she would benefit from a stay at Claymore, a private mental institution. The next year and nine months forever
The stronger dollar has allowed to the lowering of production cost. Therefore, production in the mining industry has increased causing an excess supply. Meanwhile, demand has weakened and sales decreased in the international market.
In todays modern society, there is now a constant growing concern about adolescent’s exposure to the medias portrayal of sexuality and love. The publicity of love and sex that todays adolescents are saturated in is mainly unrealistic and false, theoretically affecting and distorting their, behavior, beliefs and attitude towards sex and love. These impractical pictures tend to commonly be publicized through social media, networking, television and movies. The medias views tend to contradict the biblical messages towards love and sex, confusing young society on the meaning of true commitment and love. A popular television show targeted to the demographic of female teenagers ‘Gossip Girl’ features and emphasizes the wrong messages concerning love and sex.
In the film ‘Her’, directed by Spike Jonze, the main protagonist,Theodore Twombly conveys the idea of alienation via technology and its possible effects, due to his depression via his divorce and his easy going relationship with an artificial intelligence operating system named Samantha. The idea of alienation and technology and its possible effects on human relationships is conveyed via the quote, “Sometimes I think I have felt everything I'm ever gonna feel. And from here on out, I'm not gonna feel anything new. Just lesser versions of what I've already felt.” Theodore recently experienced is his divorce depression, and therefore becomes vulnerable, anti-social from society and isolated himself, by spending time with the artificial intelligence
The Scarlet Letter: a well-known novel throughout the world. A wife waiting for her husband to come back home. A woman who commits adultery. A woman who, as a result of her adultery, gives birth to a child. This woman, known as Hester Prynne, pays the price and must wear an embroidered scarlet letter ‘A’ on her bosom for life. The consequence Hester must pay haunts her for life. In the beginning of the novel it becomes clear to readers the reason the novel acquired the title The Scarlet Letter. All of the events that take place throughout the entirety of the novel are a result of Hester’s adulterous behavior. If Hester’s adulterous behaviors were nonexistent, Pearl would not have been born and Arthur Dimmesdale would not suffer or feel guilty
The movie, Girl, Interrupted, displays Susanna Kaysen’s eighteen-month stay at a mental institute in the 1960s. This film was an adaptation of a book based on a true story of the main character and author Susanna Kaysen. Susanna was checked into Claymore, a psychiatric hospital in Massachusetts, after chasing a bottle of aspirin with a bottle of vodka. At first, Susanna denies this blatant attempt at suicide and constantly struggles with uncertainty of her thoughts and emotions. Although Girl, Interrupted exhibits several mental disorders one of the most prevalent disorder of this film is Susanna’s Borderline Personality Disorder. This film depicts majority of the signs and symptoms of a person with Borderline Personality. As stated in the textbook, “the lives of persons with borderline personality are marked by instability. Their relationships are unstable, their behavior is unstable, their emotions are unstable, and even their images of themselves are unstable” (Larsen and Buss 593). Susanna’s romantic relationships are extremely unstable and she frequently engages in casual sex. She jumps from one guy to another in a matter of few weeks. One scene that establishes this the most is when her boyfriend at the time comes to visit her at Claymore and expresses his true feelings for her and she instantly withdraws. He asked her to go to Canada with him and she turns him down immediately. She also kisses Lisa who she befriends at the mental institute, displaying a switch of
Howard Zieff ‘s 1991 film My Girl, is a comedic drama and coming-to-age tale of a young girl that goes through an emotional roller-coaster, which confronts her with death at a very young age. The film replicates real-life scenarios and experiences which grabs the audience’s attention because it’s relatable. End result, we are all confronted with the fact that death is inexplicably inevitable.
In Marge Piercy's book, Woman on the Edge of Time, sex plays a major role in both the utopia and the dystopia. The portrayal of sex in the novel comes from a feminist point of view. The main character, Connie, is caught between a utopian world and a dystopian world where the takes on sex are on different levels. By using a feminist approach, the two worlds of sex can be examined and contrasted.