
Histo Practice Exam 1

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1. Fixation
2. formaldehyde
3. glutaraldehyde
4. Dehydration
5. clearing
6. epoxy resins, paraffin
7. microtome
8. glass slide, wire grid
9. Hematoxylin, Eosin
10. Eosin
11. Hematoxylin
12. cationic/ + charged
13. acidophilia
14. anionic/ – charged
15. basophilia
16. RNA
17. pink, purple
18. False, it differs
19. insoluble molecules
20. small, organic solvents
21. Shrinkage
22. artificial spaces, molecules
23. artifacts
24. chemical composition
25. enzymes
26. antibodies
27. RNA, DNA
28. radioactive
29. resolution/resolving power
30. 0.2
31. true
32. non–membrane bound
33. membrane
34. Mitochondria
35. fluorescent tags.
36. rhodamine 123
37. False, this is not a self sufficient replication system
38. EM …show more content…

Loose (areolar), Dense
80. embryonic mesenchyme
81. skull
82. formation of bone from mesenchyme
83. Loose
84. Dense CT
85. Loose CT
86. Loose/areolar CT
87. fibroblast, macrophage, mast cell, plasma cell
88. Fibroblast
89. collagen
90. rough ER, Golgi, ECM
91. rough ER
92. golgi
93. ECM
94. Cross–linking
95. elastic fibers
96. Macrophage
97. macrophage
98. macrophage
99. fibroblast
100. Fibroblasts
101. mucosal mast cells, CT proper mast cells
102. inflammatory
103. largest
104. hypersensitivity reaction
105. mast cells
106. mast cell
107. plasma cells
108. Plasma cells
109. RER (basophilia)
110. Plasma cells
111. Loose connective tissue in lamina propria
112. ECM (extracellular matrix)
113. Proteoglycan
114. glycoaminoglycans (GAGs)
115. GAGs
116. nutritive, degrading
117. Proteoglycans, glycoproteins, glycoaminoglycans
118. dynamic
119. Fibroblasts, smooth muscle cells, chondroblasts.
120. RER, golgi
121. mature elastic fibers
122. desmosin, isodesmosine
123. elastin fibers (in artery wall)
124. Reticular CT
125. Elastic CT
126. Dense regular CT
127. Dense Irregular CT
128. dense irregular CT
129. dense regular CT
130. loose CT (of the epidermis)
131. dense irregular CT (of dermis)
132. Dense regular CT (of tendon)
133. fibroblasts (in cross section of tendon)
134. Specialized connective tissue
135. Connective tissue (CT) proper
136. 1) the distribution and relative number of cells; 2)types of fibers

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